тнiгтуseveл: she's not fine

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third person.

It's been a few days since the girl had screamed out for an unknown reason. The professor and the student had both been neglecting each other, both furious with one another. Y/n wanted to just have his loving embrace once again, she just wanted to be with him again. But how would it be normal? The Professor was irritated that she refused to confide in him, to tell him anything. Like she didn't trust him. She was mad at him for shutting her out so harshly. Because she did, she did try to try and talk to him, to explain to him. But after hard neglection she's given up and stopped. They'd both been very quiet during their tutoring sessions and their classes, avoiding any contact. It was so different, the both of them hated it. It was hard on the both of them, especially Y/n.

As it was a cold morning, Severus had brewed himself some black coffee, but also decided to neglect it and work on grading the newest tests. He'd been trying not to think lately, it only lead him to dark corners of his mind. He was tired, the past couple of days he'd had a hard time sleeping causing dark circles to appear under his eyes. He was looking less than his best as of lately.

Severus went to take a drink but nearly tossed his mug when the door swung open and heard something crash against the doorway. He cocked his head up finding Y/n staggering into the classroom and over a desk, seemingly unable to hold herself upright. He breathed deep from the frightening loud noises she'd made. A groan erupting from her lips as she slowly stood herself up, gazing around the room. She slowly held herself up on a wall, then pushing herself off of it, beginning to trip over nothing and hurtling towards the professor whom was seated at his desk.

What the fuck?

"Miss L/n". He started with a furrowed brow. He tilted his head in concern. "Why in Merlin's name are you here so early?" He questioned and set his quill down. She laid herself over a desk seemingly incapable to stand.. She let out into fits of giggles and stared at him with these bloodshot hearteyes. "Dude". She slurred in a stumble of words. She smiled at him and began to work her way over to his desk. She held up a finger, her eyes unfocused, leaving him in confusion. "Miss L/n is—she is my mawm. Stop calling me that, my names Y/n, say it with meee... yyyyyyy/nnnnn". She drawled, letting the words fall out of her mouth lazily. "Scratch that Professor, you could also just call me your little slut".

His eyes popped open immediately awake, his eyebrows shooting up, skyrocketing. Shocked by the behavior. What the..

"Why are you awake?" He asked, it was far too early and school wouldn't start for another hour and a half. "Oh I didn't sleep..". She was interrupted by her own fit of hiccups. "Was busy". She slurred.

Wait a minute.. He got out of his seat in caution, making his way to her, where she stationed herself leant on a desk. His eyes wide, palms out as if he was approaching a wild life animal. Moving slowly to try and show in a way he wasn't a threat. It had hit him. As he got closer her aroma got stronger, and it became obvious. "Merlin... you're drunk". He stated looking into her unfocused eyes. "You actually came to class drunk". He muttered. He scoffed and shook his head in disbelief, afraid for her own sakes. She was completely shitfaced. She sent him a lopsided grin and pushed off the desk she was against, unable to find her balance, about swaying and toppling around. Severus seized the moment and quickly closed the distance between them, catching her from face planting onto the floor. Snatching her by her waist, she had let herself completely go.

He grunted by the effort, as she completely gave out on him. She draped herself against his chest, he taking a small step back from her weight. Although she was light, but when she was completely against him so lifelessly, she was heavy.

Oh god, he had a completely wasted student in front of him, even worse, it was her. Of all people. What was he going to do? He couldn't be sure, he didn't want to turn her in. She'd get suspended, and he didn't want that. She could even get expelled if it got to that. He dragged her over to his desk and helped her into his chair. He breathed heavily from the heavy weight. Holding her wrists onto the arm rests, looking down at the dizzy student with concern.

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