тнiгтуеigнт: let me down slowly

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quick a/n: hey, i recommend you listen to the song while you read this chapter, it's called 'let me down slowly', it kind of fits. anyway continue ^-^

y/n's pov.

I slowly lifted my head up, furrowing my brow, a string of drool from my cheek and the ground sticking. My cheek escaping a small pool of the drool. Uck. My eyes felt painfully crusty, and it hurt to open them. I sat up and groaned out immediately. Ouch! Fuck! Did I hit my head?? Oh wait.. a minute..

The faint memories of last night were so faint, so miserable. I had been crying, probably the hardest I'd ever cried. I was trembling from how tense and sad I was. I remember sneaking a bottle of vodka from the house elves kitchen. Fuck what happened?! I looked around at the unfamiliar but familiar room. It hurt to think. I sat up and rubbed my eyes, massaging my temples. My head was pounding and my ears rang. It was dark and dim in here. Was this... it sure looked a lot like Severus's back room but I couldn't be sure. I went to get up only to feel that I stood up to fast and fell back on my butt. My whole body ached. So this is what a hangover felt like. What a mistake... I attempted again to stand, succeeding his time with painful ease. I wiped my cheek with my sleeve. I couldn't remember anything at all. I went to the only available door and jiggled to knob. It was locked! Fuck! Where was I? Was I kidnapped? Am I in a jail room? Did I do something? Was this a punishment? Was I at Malfoy manor? I heard footsteps begin from outside, approaching. I looked around frantically for anything that could be used as a weapon. I felt my sides for my wand, finding it. I pulled it out and stood in an awkward defensive stance as the door clicked unlocking, and creaked open. I aimed my wand, but eventually lowered it when I found Severus peaking his head in. FUCK! Even worse! I sighed and untensed, looking at him in relief but also disappointment in myself. What had I done? Was I in trouble? Was this an office? Was he going to expell me? These questions danced in my aching mind, worrying me. "Y/n". He started sternly, the door opening all the way and he leant against the door frame crossing his arms. "What...." I sighed and looked off to the side. "This morning... you'd scrambled into my room drunkenly". He stated. I groaned and covered my eyes with my hand staring at the ground with my head down. "I'm so sorry". I muttered. He sighed, the disappointment radiating from him made my heart hurt. It made my everything hurt, I felt so nauseated from standing. I rubbed my pounding forehead. "Aren't you going to scold me and kick me to the side?" I asked staring at the ground in front of me. Which was now the most interesting thing in the world now.. He stared down at me, a curious look in his eye. "No". He replied in thought. "What did I do?" I asked refusing to look him in the eyes. "No matter. It isn't what you did, it's why on earth did you do it?" He asked, a spiteful tone making me cringe. I hated that tone. I wished I could go back in time, to when him and I weren't like this. Maybe even to the beginning.. But that was impossible. "Where'd you even get your hands on something like that?" He retorted. I felt tears pile in my eye sockets, I didn't want him to see me in such a devastating state. "Why don't you just turn me in?" I asked looking away and wiping my under eyes. He scoffed. "Look at me". He replied. I immediately looked into his black orbs on command. He looked so firm, so displeased. He stared at me with these narrowed slits, burning into the very core of my heart. "Come with me". He stated and used his pointer finger nudging it towards himself. He turned on his heel and walked into his own classroom, I hesitantly followed. He walked up to the public classroom sink, grabbing his own cleaned mug and filling it with the tap water. "Going to aid me?" I asked with a slight sarcastic tone. Had to lighten the mood one way or another. "Be quiet". He ordered with a harsh tone, sending shivers down my spine. I looked at the ground and played with my nails. Until he shoved the mug into my hands. "Drink". He said, more like commanded. I brought it to my lips and hesitantly drank it. I began to down it all, becoming suddenly dehydrated. I hadn't noticed how grossly my mouth was dry. It felt slightly odd as he watched me closely. I finished and set it back to the counter, meeting his eyes again. "You look dreadful". He commented, I rolled my eyes. "Sorry, you aren't looking your best either though, professor". I replied arching one of my brows. He looked to the side in irritation. I noticed how tired he looked, his hair was not aligned as it usually was, much messier. But i'm sure I looked like a banshee. I couldn't say anything, but neither could he. "So are you going to get me into trouble?" I asked finally, he sighed relaxing his shoulders and rubbed his chin in thought. "No, you're not in trouble with the school". He started with a familiar set of words. It made me almost smile.

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