fouгтуfouг: womanly mystique

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I fluttered my eyes open, feeling a warmth around me. Morning already? I looked behind me to see a handsome face sleeping soundly. His eyes closed so gently, and his cute small eyelashes. His warm breath against my face, it was light and soft. He looked so sweet. Rather than his usual irritable plain vacant expression, he looked so calm, so soundly. I wish he always looked like this, I mean he seemed smiley and cute around me, but not necessarily around other people... that wasn't his strong suit. Nonetheless he tries. I gently tucked his arm off me and climbed out of the covers quietly. I didn't want to wake him, I'll let him sleep. I changed out of his big shirt and into my clothes, giving him one last glance. I smiled at the angel, then left his quarters as quietly as I possibly could. When I exited out of his room I could see Umbridge staring at me with her jaw hung open in surprise and suspicion. Although she hadn't said a word. I quickly stalked my way threw the hall avoiding her at all costs. Shit. That could be bad. I ran a hand threw my hair, it must be early as hell.

I covered my arms with my cloak, cold morning at that.

I should go to my common room. I rubbed my arms up and down, silently walking my way to it. The dungeons were quite big. I always wondered why, there were always so many empty locked rooms. I yawned and creaked open the common room doors.

I was going to continue to my dormitory but I stopped firmly in my tracks.

"Where were you all night?"

It was... Draco. I let a smile tug at my lips and I let my shoulders relax. "None of your business". I replied. He started to look genuinely concerned. Like a big brother, sort of. "I asked where you were?" He continued making me furrow my brow. "Drop it, how long have you been waiting here?" He rolled his eyes and ushered my over. To which I obliged because I mean, what's as he gonna do? I sat across from him, arching an eyebrow irritably. "Have you been taking out your tasks for the dark lord?" He questioned. "What's it matter to you?" I asked. "It doesn't, I'm just curious". He shrugged confidently. I rolled my eyes. He was so full of himself. I mean, he was definitely a good guy, he was just... sometimes he reminded me of Lockhart. "You know very well I'm not faithful. He has me, by kidnapping me". I said narrowing my eyes. He sighed looking at the ground. "Draco don't tell me your faithful to someone as vile as him now". I continued. He looked away sheepishly. I got up and stood in front of him. "Please don't turn to that". I sighed and ruffled his hair. "Your one of the best people. Anyhow, good morning, I'm going back to bed". I sent him a warm smile to which he stayed silent. I left him in silence, walking to the girls dorm. Ah here we are, I stepped inside my room quietly, turning the light on to find someone asleep in my bed. What the fuck? I hovered over them as they slept in my bed, finding it to be Cassidy. Was she waiting here all night for my return? Poor kid. I curiously looked around, rubbing my forehead. It was too early for this. I climbed onto my small loveseat and later down on the small couch. Not that I couldn't fit, I was sadly perfectly small for it. I covered up with a fuzzy blanket, adjusting myself quietly and laying down. She could sleep her for the rest we have to sleep, I don't mind. I closed my eyes, beginning to drift off.

time skip. When the school week is over.

I was in the common room, broad daylight out, spending my free time with Cassidy. It was a nice day. Not too shabby. So glad it was Friday.

"So that night, you slept in HIS room??" Cassidy said just loud enough for the both of to hear. I giggled, nodding.

"Slept in whose room?" Draco butted in. I rolled my eyes, this entire week. He's been on my case for forever. He was too protective. "No ones you eavesdropper". I replied flatly. Cassidy giggled. "Go away". I said and with that he turned on his heel irritably to leave me be.

"How come, out of all the guys who like you, you choose goddamn snape". She whispered his name hardly loud enough for me to hear it, it was like she mouthed it without actually making a sound or syllable. "Cause every other guy sucks". I smirked. "And what, he swallows?" I shot my eyes open and hit her arm. "Cassidy!"

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