fifтуиiие: pt 2

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The week was going by like any other week, well besides the fact that I was unable to take care of myself. And everything was gloomy, not to mention the never-ending hatred I have for myself is once again in tact so Actually this week has been absolutely terrible—

I sighed, I had a major headache. My head was throbbing, and it was second potions. I wasn't at all excited to go to third potions. I didn't even want to be here. I had been skipping it the past week, but I feel like today he's going to make me.
It just felt like that type of a dreadful day. "Y/n, wake up".

Harry nudged my head that was resting on the desk. "I'm awake". I drawled out
lazily, my eyes hardly open. Harry rolled his eyes and pulled me up, making me sit up straight. "C'mon, brew amorentia with me". Harry enlightened me with a persuasive smile. "Fine".


"I smell Roses, and clean wollen clothes". Harry sniffed the amorentia I had mostly brewed for him, I smiled. "Awww who smells like that?" I asked with a faint laugh. "What about you, what do you smell?" Harry asked and gestured the cauldron towards me. I hesitantly took a breath, inhaling the all too familiar smell.

Books, rain, clean paper, coffee, and a dash of hatred for everyone on the fucking planet. I looked at the man that was stuck at his desk never looking up, staring down at his parchment. "I smell nothing". I lied. I couldn't stand the smell of that misanthropist. Snape. He's a jerk, there's no way he's my true love. There's gotta be somebody else who smells like that. I frowned and crossed my arms. Harry smiled at me and nuzzled my arms down, trying to relax me, resting his head on my shoulder, I blushed. "What class next?" Harry asked. "Potions professions, level 3". I sighed, rolling my eyes. "I'm skipping it". I gulped when sudden footsteps could be heard behind me, shifting. I slowly turned, facing the grim reaper himself, sending me his dirtiest look. "You certainly will not be skipping 3rd period again Miss L/n". Snape hissed at me with a scowl. I frowned, glaring up at him. "Why not? All you're going to do is tell me how stupid I am for an hour". I turned back away from him, facing Harry. Harry gave me a fearful look about how cocky I was going with this. Snape groaned behind me. "Be there L/n". He ordered and I could hear him fade back down to his desk. I groaned audibly and obnoxiously loud, Harry patted my back. "Come on, don't get yourself in trouble". Harry nudged me.

"Harry will you get yourself in trouble to come with me?" I asked knowing it's be a no. "What no way". He laughed. "I haven't gotten a detention yet this year and I'd like to keep it that way". Harry chuckled. I frowned and rested my head on his shoulder, it was slowly becoming a habit. "Thanks anyway". I sighed. The bell rang , ah shit.

"I'll for sure meet you at the dinner table! Remus is coming today by the way". Harry invited whilst running out. Oh, remus.
I felt my heart soul a beat, clearing my throat in deep thought. That was new to hear, I'd forgotten about Remus almost. Hm. I felt a sense of excitement about his presence, well, until I was interrupted by the brooding tall figure that appeared in front of my desk. "Y/n". He started in an arrogant high and mighty voice. "Professor". I replied sternly.
"I heard about you're little friend coming to visit today, eh?" He started with a tilt of his head, and a sneer. "Yup". I crossed my arms smugly. "What's it matter to you?" I asked, frowning. Teeth beginning to clench, my hands becoming sweaty. The grip was getting worse.
"I can't help but feel like holding you back for detention for the rest of the day, seeing as you've skipped your classes all week". He sent me a grin of evil, hatred, it hurt. Originally I'd planned to act like his words hadn't hurt me, but here they were. "That's not fair!" I scoffed while glaring up at him. "Don't get cocky now L/n, or next it'll be your quidditch match next week". He replied smugly.

"Why do you hate me?" I blurted out, going against him head on, he almost seemed surprised. But immediately returned to his old vacant expression. "Miss L/n, I presume last we left off we were going on Occulemency lessons?" He disregarded what I'd remarked, my blood was boiling. "Why are you acting like we didn't have an entire relationship together? We did! And I was in love with you, and If I say so myself, you were in love too!" I shoved, hit, pushed, slapped, and punched against his chest weakly, in attempt to get any response out of him, but all he did was grab both of my hands and shove me against the wall, becoming so close. His face not inches away from mine, he was breathing heavily, I felt almost like I could feel his heartbeat. "Y/n, I have said it before, you are nothing but a little girl, who knows nothing about love". He hushed me, a soft but shaky tone. His lips hovered over mine, his eyes looked so confused. So lost again.
"I certainly know more than you do Professor". I murmured, almost afraid of his strange behavior. He shoved himself off me, running a hand back through his hair and pushing it out of his face. "Now". He huffed, almost failing to keep his cool. But of course, he struck me with surprise once again with his stern assertive glare. "Wash those cauldrons or it'll be 200 points".

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