One More Tag

1.9K 35 34

So I was tagged by -BBINSUAL
And I wanna do this so lez go

1. Do you have a crush?

Yes and no. I can't explain it, it's complicated.

2. What's your middle name?

It's... A secret.

3. What's your height?

I'm as tall as Changbin. So, about 167 cm / 5'6".

4.What is my shoe size?

6, according to the UK size chart. But I always buy bigger size shoes cuz they're more comfortable.

5. Eye color?

Very dark brown, you could say almost black. But during the summer it changes to hazel due to the sun.

6. Last cried?

Last year, I think. I don't really cry much to be honest. I get depressed often but I actually almost never cry. The reason for this is that when I cry I get a stuffy nose and it's troublesome to breathe so I'd rather not do it.

7. Biggest fear?

Relationships, falling in love, being dependent on people, being left alone, bugs. Definitely bugs.

8. Last song I listened to?

Sik-K - Addict. Literally his entire album FL1P. I swear, it's so good.

9. Last person texted?

The yes/no kind of crush but not really guy that I mentioned in Q1.

10. Tag 20 people


Sorry love, I had to. But you're not obligated to do it if you don't want to.

Of course, if anyone else wants to do it, feel tagged.

See you all in the next chapter.

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