Chapter 1: Ten Years Strong

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Ten Years Strong

Year 3009
It was a beautiful spring day in Silver Hills. A bus pulled up to a street corner and a boy came off the bus. There was a wide smile on his face, due to the fact it was Friday and spring vacation had just begun. That meant two weeks of no school, just him and his mom spending every waking moment together.

"Bye guys! See you later!" Ten-year-old Lance Scotts said as he ran off the bus and down the street to a building. He walked past two double doors and into the building. Inside were people walking around in white uniforms, and blasters attached to their thighs. Someone called out his name.

"Hi Lance." An officer said. Lance smiled at the officer.

"Hey Officer Miller. Is my mom in?" Lance asked.

"Yup, in her office." Miller said. Lance thanked him and went into the elevator.

"Level 26" Lance called out. The elevator moved and took the young boy up. After a few moments the doors opened to reveal a quiet hallway with doors lining the walls. He walked into one that read "Time Force: Communications"

Inside a lady working at the desk smiled at him. "Hey there kiddo. Your mom had to run out; she'll be back in about ten minutes. Her office is open if you want to put your backpack in."

Lance walked into his mom's office and threw his backpack on her chair. He walked back out. "Where'd she go anyway?" Lance sat down in a vacant chair and began twirling around in it.

"She had to get some files on the mutant that attacked this morning. The DA was done with them and called her down." The lady said.

Another lady came by with a box of donuts. "Lance! We haven't seen you in a while! How was school?" she asked as she offered him a donut. He jumped out of his chair.

"Great! It's finally spring vacation! That means that Mom and me are spending every waking moment together! She said we could go to the beach, bowling, I heard she got tickets to a football game! She might even take me to Laser Galaxy!" He took a bite of the donut.

"Yea, but you'd better watch it! I'm a dead shot with one of those!" Lance turned around to see his mom standing in the doorway. He ran up to her, his mouth full with a piece of chocolate donut. She bent down and hugged her son lovingly.

"Swallow first then talk." She said. As Lance finished his bite of donut, his mom looked at the ladies. "Janet, Alice, I hope he wasn't too much of a hassle."

They laughed. "Come on, Jen. We love him! He's no problem at all!" Janet said.

"I'm the least of your worries." Lance said. "She..." he pointed to Jen. "Is the one you need to look out for!"

Jen's face dropped, but she smiled. "See why we love him?" Alice said. "He's hilarious!"

Jen rolled her eyes. "Come on, Lance. I'm almost done anyway." Jen thanked the girls for watching him for the brief moment and they went into Jen's office. She sat down and turned on her computer.

"So, how was school?" Jen asked as she opened up the file.

"Great, Mom! I can't wait for our time together!" Lance said. Jen looked at her son. He was so full of energy and life. His dirty blonde hair shined in the light and his blue eyes glistened in the sunlight.

She turned around in her chair and smiled at him. "Neither can I. We're going to have the best vacation in a long time. Anything you want you got it, Lance. This will be our time together. No Time Force to get in the way of that." Jen said.

"Yea. This'll be great." Lance returned her smile.

Being Lieutenant of Time Force and the Pink Ranger took a toll on Jen's time spent with her son. But she was going to make it up to him by spending her entire vacation with him.

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