Chapter 8: Frax's revenge

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The robot laughed evily. "Yes, it is I! Frax! Happy to see me, are we Rangers?"

"But I thought Ransik destroyed your data bank! You were an ordinary robot afterward! Then your were destroyed after Doomtron was!" Trip exclaimed. He recalled how Ransik told the court of erasing Frax's memory.

"Yes, that wretch did! Ten painful years of struggling to recover! Some of my faithful Cyclobots found me and put me back together." He glanced in Jen's direction. "After I heard that the famous Lieutenant Jennifer Scotts of Time Force had a child, I knew this was my perfect way of getting my revenge! Kidnap the child and destroy the Rangers! The come and destroy the Silver Guardians! It's foolproof! And I'll start with you, Lieutenant!" He laughed evily as he threw a powerful blast towards Jen and the rangers.

They fell to the ground as it steamed. Jen cried out in pain as the other rangers did as well. The members of the Guardians that gathered around also fell to the ground.

Jen watched painfully as Lance struggled to get up. He had been caught in the blast as well. Lance struggled greatly as blood oozed from a gash in his arm. Jen looked at Frax who was laughing himself into a fit.

"Rangers, you are terribly slow! I'm so disappointed!" His mechanical voiced scratched painfully at their ears. "I thought you were going to make it a task for me to destroy you, but now it looks like I'll do this by hand!" He aimed for Jen again, but she was on her feet and fired her blaster at him. Sparks flew from his arm.

"I'm not going to let you get away with this! You won't harm Lance, if I have anything to do with it. But my question is why?" Jen said. She held her blaster point blank.

Frax laughed evily. "To re-write the future of course, Lieutenant. You see, if I destroy you all, then Time Force won't exist! Then I can make my robot army grow and robots WILL RULE THE WORLD!" He laughed as a barrage of blasts was sent towards the rangers. Jen was mad at this point and didn't even feel the sting against her as she charged towards Frax.

"Chrono saber to full power!" Jen aimed her weapon and fired at Frax. Her fire didn't seem to faze him.

"Silly Ranger." Frax mumbled as he kicked Jen hard in the stomach. She doubled over and rolled out of the way, desperate for a breath.

Wes ran over to her. "Jen! Oh god, are you okay?" He asked and helped her sit up.

"I'm..." cough. "fine." Jen said. She gasped heavily, no doubt from a few broken ribs.

Lance watched painfully as his mother gasped. 'She's done so much for me, she's helpless.'

Katie yelled as Frax blasted her hard in the chest. 'Katie is like my second mother. I hate for her to be involved in this.'

Lucas slammed into a concrete wall as it spidered out. 'Lucas his been so nice to me, taking me places and everything.'

Trip flew across and landed on a roof of a car and rolled off. 'Trip has taught me so many things to help. He's been nice too.' Lance thought.

He hated being the only one that was so unhelpful. Eric landed hard against the ground and was kicked out of the way by Frax. 'Eric has been great too. Giving me tours and taking me places.'

Just then Wes flew across and landed on a bench and rolled off, clutching his shoulder. Lance winced. 'Wes has been great. He's like a father to me. It's time to be a son to him.'

Lance then saw Wes's chrono saber lying on the ground. His eyes grew fierce and he ran for the saber.

"You're finished, Rangers." Frax pointed his weapon at the rangers and fired. Jen turned her head and squeezed her eyes shut waiting for the blast to rip at her.

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