Chapter 3: Surprises

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Lance banged his fists against the glass, but nothing happened. As the engines powered up he fell back, but got up in time to see his mother storm off and fight against the mutant. The last second she turned and looked at him, alone in the time ship. Lance watched as the ship lifted off the ground and approached the time portal. Colors were swirling around him as the ship entered the portal. Lance was shaking as a light was seen at the end of the tunnel.

Then everything went black.

Sometime Later

When Lance woke up, his head was pounding. He looked around to see himself on the floor; chairs were thrown all over the place. He got up and staggered, feeling nauseous. Once steadied the events before came to mind. His mom pushing him into the time ship as the mutant attacked Time Force. He blacked out just as the ship came out of the portal.

Lance got up and looked around. A year was on the computer screen.

"What?" Lance whispered. "I'm in the...past?" He looked out of the window to see a beach and a road. A sign was on the road.

Lance sat down and took it all in. He looked around to see his backpack lying near him. He never really looked in it, so he decided to open it. Inside was an array of things. He carefully pulled them out.

A wallet was there, with two hundred dollars in cash in it. An emergency number and a picture of Lance when he was younger. It was Jen's.

Next was a pair of sunglasses. Below that was some shirts and clean underwear. But what was under that baffled him.

Lance was amazed as he carefully lifted a chrono-blaster out of the bag. It wasn't a paint filled one, but a real blaster. A note fell out of the bag.


I know this is hard for you to do, leaving our time and coming here. But please believe me when I say I did it for your own protection. The message on the chalkboard was a threat to your life and mine.

You are in the year 2010. The city is Silver Hills, only 1000 years ago. There is a man here, named Wes Collins who will help you while I am not there. If you can't find Wes, then Eric Myers is also someone who you can trust. Wes is the Red Time Force Ranger. Eric is the Quantum Ranger. Both are commanders of the Silver Guardians. Go to their headquarters and find Wes. He'll help you with anything.

In your bag I have put a blaster in, incase you need it. But ONLY if you need it. I trust you know when and when not to use it.

I love you with all my heart.


Lance sniffed as a few tears fell. "No, don't cry Lance. You need to be strong for Mom. She is counting on you." He told himself. Lying on the ground was also his mom's uniform jacket. Lance put the oversized jacket on and put the backpack over it. He zipped it up and went out in search of the man who was to help him.

The man named Wes Collins.

Two hours later

Lance had been walking for what seemed like forever. But he was finally in the city. His mother told him all about Silver Hills in the year 2001. How people powered their cars with petroleum instead of a self-charging battery.

Lance sat down a bench when a bus pulled up. The driver opened the door, and from what Lance saw the bus was empty.

"You lost, son?" the man said.

"No, I was trying to find Silver Guardian Headquarters. My, uhh, dad works there." Lance said.

The man shrugged. "Have a seat, son. I'll take you directly there." He smiled.

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