Chapter 2: 1000 Years Away

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1000 Years Away

Lance woke up the next morning to smell pancakes and bacon cooking. He got up and put on a t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants and walked into the kitchen. His suspicions were confirmed as the sound of batter was heard falling into the pan, with an occasional clump. Bacon sizzled in the skillet as Lance poured himself a cup of orange juice.

"Hi Mom." He sniffed the air. "Is that pancakes and bacon?" he asked.

Jen grabbed the plateful of pancakes and set them down on the small table. "M&M pancakes to be exact. Fresh bacon, too." Jen smiled. Lance eyed the food hungrily. He sat down and grabbed a fork and knife.

"Looks good, Mom. Did you actually cook this?" Lance said as he took a bite of pancake.

"Har har. Very funny. Yes, I did actually cook this." She said as she matched his tone. Jen took a sip of juice.

"So what are we doing today?" Lance asked.

Jen shrugged. "What do you want to do today?" she asked.

Lance's eyebrow shot up. "Could you teach me how to shoot a blaster?" He asked hopefully.

Jen nearly spit out her drink. "What?" she coughed.

"Teach me how to shoot. Being the son of the Pink Ranger has its enemies too, ya know." He said as-a-matter-of-factly.

"All right, you want to learn how to shoot, then I'll teach you." Jen said. Lance was just about to cheer when she added in quickly. "but not with a real blaster. We'll use one that I use to train the cadets on shooting, the paint filled ones."

Lance sighed. Jen laughed. "Do you think I'd really let you use a real blaster?"

"Yes." He said.

She laughed again. "Nice try. I'll give you an A for effort, kiddo. Finish up and get dressed."

Within minutes, Lance was dressed. Jen was sitting on the couch when he walked out. His hair still looking like he woke up.

"Lance, go brush your hair." Jen said.

"But I all ready did!" He protested. "I have wild hair."

Jen just shook her head. "Come on."

The two got up and went out to Jen's car.

Two hours later
"Wow. I never knew shooting a blaster had so much things to know." Lance said. He had spent two hours with his mother learning how to shoot a Chrono blaster.

"Yep. Now you know what it's like to be a cadet." Jen said.

"And I know how they feel when they are put through your lectures, too." Lance challenged.

"What did you say?" Jen questioned.

"Nothing." He said quickly. A smile ran across Jen's face.

"I think you said something." Jen said.

Lance put a mischievous smile on his face. "You'll have to catch me first!" He bolted off toward the park.

"That can be arranged!" Jen called and began chasing her son across the park. Both were laughing. Jen finally caught up with him. Both fell to the ground laughing.

"You know, Mom. For 28 years old, you're in shape." Lance said.

"What's that suppost to mean?" Jen asked.

Lance shrugged. "Nothing." His eyes followed the ice cream truck as it drove down the path. "Can we get some ice cream?" He asked.

Jen smiled. "Sure. Why not?"

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