Chapter 15: A Destined Fate, part 1

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"We're back." Jen said quietly.

"Are the future?" Wes asked.

"Yup." Lucas responded. "The year 3009. Our time." Wes and Eric looked around, astonished at the sight. There were tall buildings with a few lights on the sides. The windows were dark. On the streets, Wes saw cars with the Time Force insignia on the sides. To his surprise, the streets were fairly clean.

Eric looked up to see cars buzzing around about 100 yards above their heads. "Flying cars? Wow." Something was on his mind. "Hey, how come your cars don't fly?"

"Hey, do you think flying comes free?" Trip asked sarcastically. "As a matter of fact, it's cheaper to drive then it is to fly. I'll explain later."

Wes then moved his head to where Jen stood. She had a dazed look upon her face. "Jen?' Wes asked. "You okay?"

Her voice was small. "It's just a shock to be back..." She trailed off as a car pulled up, and an officer stepped out, blaster pointed.

"In the name of Time Force, I place you and your company under arrest for trespassing." The officer said. Wes backed up slowly. Jen's voice became stronger.

"Holster your blaster, officer." Jen said. It was obvious she had the upper hand in this situation. The officer blinked.

"L-Lieutenant Scotts?" he asked.

"The one and only." Jen stated. The officer turned on his lights to reveal Jen's face, as well as her group.

"Lieutenant! I'm so sorry!" he said. His hand flew to his holster and fastened in his blaster."Officer Jacks, Brent." He saluted. Jen aknowledged it with a nod. "Is there anything I can do for you?" He asked eagerly. Wes looked at Eric who was trying not to laugh. The officer was obviously nervous as Jen began to speak.

"Have Captain Logan ready a few rooms, we may be staying here for a while." Jen said. "Take Ransik and Nadira to a room as well. Lucas, you go with Nadira. Trip, and Katie, I want you two to take Eric and Wes. Show them to a room and get then some clean clothes." The officer saluted and returned to his car.

"Right." Lucas said. "Let's get going." He took Nadira's hand. Ransik followed.

"Where will you be going, Jen?" Wes asked.

"I have work to do." She walked off in haste into Time Force headquarters, her team closely behind.

A sad look came upon Wes. 'This is exactly how she was when Ransik was evil. Work, work work.' He wondered if he'll even get a chance to see Jen anytime soon.

Jen took long strides as she entered Headquarters. It seemed like forever since she had been there. She must have looked strange in her attire. She had on a pair of tan kacki pants, sneakers and a pink long sleeve shirt. Her hair was down for a change.

She saw a few heads turn, but she kept walking. She got to an elevator and went in.

"Level 28." She said. The elevator took her up.

A few moments later, the doors opened to reveal a room full of computers and lowly lit lights.

"Excuse me, miss. You can't co—" The officer stopped short. "Lieutenant?"

Jen ignored him and make her way for Captain Logan's office. She opened it.

"Rob. We need to take action" Jen's words were firm.

He had a smile on his face. "I'm way ahead of you, Jen." He said. "Officer Jacks had already taken a team around the city to find Lance and Frax. Then you showed up and he radioed me. As per your request, rooms are waiting for your team upstairs. Ransik has his own, and Nadira and Lucas have theirs. Wes and Eric have one as well. Trip and Katie have theirs, too. Your regular room has been kept for you and is awaiting your return."

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