Chapter 10:The Star of Venus

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Quallstone Park

"Time Force! You're under arrest!" Jen called. Her badge shown in the sunlight.

"Surrender now or we will be forced to shoot!" Katie ran up besides Jen.

Frax laughed menacingly. "Now now, Rangers. What makes you think I'll go down that easily!" Frax threw a blast at Katie and Jen. Both fell back a ways as the men ran up besides them.

"Jen, Katie, you two okay?" Lucas asked.

"Yea." Katie said.

"Never better." Jen agreed. Lucas shook his head.

"Watch out!" Trip's cry was heard as the Pink, Yellow and Blue rangers ducked the latest shot from Frax.

"Just give it up, Frax! We've brought you in once and we'll do it again!" Wes joined the rangers with Eric at his side.

"Never!" Frax said. "Cyclobots!"

Two dozen Cyclobots materialized in front of the rangers, blocking Frax from them. "DESTROY THE POWER RANGERS!" Frax called. The cyclobots charged.

"Chrono saber!" the rangers called for their weapons and began to fight off the cyclobots while Jen charged for Frax. Eric called for his weapon as well.

"Hold it right there!" Jen called as she sliced Frax with her saber, causing a spray of sparks to fly from his arm.

"You're going to pay dearly for that, ranger." He evily looked at Jen and kicked her in the chest. She countered his attack and swept his feet out from under him. As Frax struggled to get up, Jen gasped for breath.

"Do you surrender?" Trip said as he ran up to Jen and helped her up.

"Never! I'll be back!" Frax disappeared in that same static cloud.

Jen sighed angrily as the rangers made their way back home.

8:30PM: Collins Estate

"We just can't beat him!" Jen exclaimed at the dinner table. Mr. Collins had asked how the battle had gone. It was the normal dinner topic. "Whenever he's weakened, he retreats. Then he's back twice as strong."

"He has to have a weak spot. We just need to figure out where it is." Trip followed up her statement.

Lucas eyed him. "Do you have any idea?" he asked.

Trip smiled. "As a matter of fact, I do actually."

"THEN TELL US!" the four rangers exclaimed at him.

Trip took a breath and began. "I see it this way. If you remember the last time we were here, Frax had a trixyruim crystal..."

"Tell me something we don't know!" Jen butted in.

"Let me finish!" Trip said. Jen closed her mouth. "As I was saying, he had a trixyruim crystal. Remember that Doomtron and Frax both had a crystal and were connected to one another. Once the one in Frax was destroyed, then Doomtron's was destroyed as well. So the way I see it, Frax could have only gotten the newest crystal from one place." Trip stopped. Jen snapped her fingers.

"Time Force! I had forgotten about the new crystal they were creating! It has the power to help heal!" Jen smiled. "That's the reason that mutant Frax sent in to set off the security, so he could get the crystal! It's all beginning to make sense!"

Wes looked at the sight of Jen. She was happy to have finally figured out a piece of the puzzle.

"But what does that have to do with me?" Lance piped up. He had been sitting at the table as well, listening to the conversation. Jen had forgotten he was there. "Why did Frax kidnap me?"

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