Chapter 7: Fear Return

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Wes awoke the next morning and rubbed the sleep from his eyes. His clock read 6:45am. He blinked a few times. The events of the night before came to his mind and he looked over to where Jen was sleeping silently. He smiled as he remembered the events of the previous night. They had made love. Wes sat there for a while watching her sleep. She seemed at peace for those moments. Jen had been worried to death about Lance being taken. Wes just took in her beauty. Jen's long brown hair was sprawled out over the pillow, a few strands hung in her face.

The sheet that was over her body had been removed and Wes saw, like he did, Jen got up at some time during the night and put some clothes on. She lay there in a t-shirt and sweatpants, the sheet draped over her legs and waist. Wes slowly got up, not wanting to disturb her from her sleep. He put on a shirt and a pair of socks. Not before he walked down stairs to eat, he took the comforter and placed it securely around Jen's body.

"Sleep well, Jen." He said as he tucked it around her shoulders. Jen stirred slightly and wrapped the comforter around her and rolled onto her side. Wes smiled and kissed her cheek. He watched as a smile crept across her face. Wes quietly walked across the room and exited the room, leaving Jen to sleep in for the morning.


Jen opened her eyes to see a blur of red numbers. After blinking a few times, the clock read 12:01PM. It wasn't like Jen to sleep late, but she could have slept through an atomic bomb at that point. She had been up worrying about Lance for half of the night, then Wes came along. The events with Wes the night before made her smile. Jen got up and got dressed, then headed down to the kitchen.

She yawned as she saw Wes sitting at the table eating an English muffin with jelly and sipping some coffee. Mr. Collins was there as well. Jen almost didn't recognize him, since he wasn't dressed in his normal business suit. His hair wasn't neatly combed, and he was sitting in an old shirt and slacks. Mr. Collins looked up, saw her and smiled.

"Jennifer! Good morning! Sleep well, I presume?" he asked cheerfully.

"Same to you, Mr. Collins. Can't complain." Jen said.

He laughed. "Please Jen, call me Andrew." Jen nodded.

"This is a record for Jen, you know. She NEVER sleeps this late." Katie piped up from across the room.

"And I though you were the early one." Wes added. "I was up at quarter to seven and you were still in 'dead mode.'"

Jen chuckled. "I was up half the night worrying about my son! Of course I'd be tired." Jen's face went soft at mention of Lance. Wes got up and walked over to her.

"Don't worry, Jen. We'll find him. Eric and Taylor went out all last night with the Guardians looking for him. The best thing you can do for him is to keep searching through the computer. You aren't invincible, Jen. Even Lieutenants need their sleep." Wes said.

Jen sighed. "I know. It's just those motherly instincts I guess."

Mr. Collins chucked. "I know how you feel, Jen. When Wes was injured by that mutant I felt like I had to protect him."

"Yea, and look what happened." Jen muttered. The group laughed, but Wes was silent.

"What's that supposed to mean?" He asked.

Jen shrugged and said innocently, "Nothing." She grabbed a cup full of orange juice and sat down by the computer. Wes silently shook his head.

"We've gotta find him." Wes said as he sat down in a vacant chair. "Jen'll go crazy if we don't."

His dad sighed. "He's a tough kid, Wes. He'll make it."

"Get's that from his dad." Jen said as she re-entered and put a bagel in the toaster.

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