Chapter 11: Mutation of the Heart, part 1

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Quallstone Park

It was a cool evening in Silver Hills. Jen and Wes walked hand in hand down the park path. It was Saturday, which meant their weekly walk around the park. The couple stopped a ways at a bench and sat down to look out into the lake.

Wes looked over at Jen who seemed quite content. Her face shown in the sunlight that reflected off of the lake. Jen caught him staring at her.

"What?" She asked.

Wes chuckled. "Nothing, except you were gazing off into space. For a second I thought you might lift out of our galaxy."

Jen rolled her eyes. She scooted closer to Wes who put his arm around her shoulders. He kissed her forehead lovingly.

"It's been the perfect day." Wes stated. Jen smiled in agreement.

"A good breakfast then a movie. A trip to the boardwalk, lunch, then a walk in the park." Jen sighed. "I don't know how life could be more perfect." Her voice was soft.

Wes smiled slightly and looked at her. The red and pink rays from the sun made her face glow with brilliance. "Yea, it as nice to get away from everything for once." He looked in her eyes and kissed her. They broke it as Jen put her head down on his shoulder.

The two watched the sun set behind the lake for the rest of their evening. It was, for lack of a better word, perfect.

That evening

Katie, Trip and Lucas were sitting around the living room. They were chatting contently as the front door was heard opening and closing.

Katie shushed them as Jen and Wes walked in, smiles on their faces. They continued to talk and walk up the stairs. This brought a smile to Katie's face.

"It's nice to see them together. After everything they've been through." Katie stated.

"Yea." Lucas agreed. "It's nice to see Jen happy. She was a wreck after she left Wes. But when Lance was born, Jen changed."

Trip, however, had a different thought. "But when we catch Frax, we'll have to return to the future, won't we?"

Katie and Lucas's grins vanished. The three rangers knew this would happen.

"I know this may sound selfish, but I really do hope that we...don't catch Frax. I really don't want to leave." Trip said. Lucas and Katie just stared at him.

"I know." Katie said.

Lucas pondered on a thought. "What will happen with Lance? I know he's originally from the future. After the time he's spent with Wes, do you really think he'll want to leave?"

Katie shook her head. "I don't know. Jen hasn't talked to Lance about it, yet."

Trip was confused. "She hasn't told him yet?" he paused. "Lance doesn't know that Wes is his biological father?"

From behind a wall

Lance listened intensely from outside the door. He had heard Katie say something about him. He was going to go in and say something, but he wanted to hear what they said.

"Lance's grown so attached to Wes." Katie said.

Lucas's voice faintly reached his ears. "I know he's originally from the future. After the time he's spent with Wes, do you really think he'll want to leave?"

"I don't know." He heard Katie say.

Trip's voice piped up into the conversation. "Jen hasn't told him yet?" His voice sounded confused.

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