Chapter 16: A Destined Fate, part 2

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Jen and her unit slowly made their way up the stairs. She was followed by Wes, with Ransik right behind him. Nadira followed her father. The unit followed, keeping an eye on Ransik. Not a lot of Time Force officers trusted him yet.

They stopped at a landing. Jen stopped and pressed the mike button on her radio. "Lieutenant to Base."

"We're here, Jen. How's it going?" Logan's voice came over her earpiece.

"Fine. We're about half way up now. Check point one has been reached and is clear."

"Affirmative. Proceed to check point two." Logan's voice said. Jen raised her fist again, signifying to move on.

As they neared the top floor, Jen crept up against the back wall. Footsteps were heard coming up the stairs, and at rushed rate.

Jen put one finger up and circled the air three times. This meant to ready weapons. As the footsteps came up louder, Jen increased pressure on the trigger. A face was seen.

Eric, Trip, Lucas and Katie were seen coming up the stairs. The group lowered their weapons. They were also armed and waiting commands. Jen peaked into the window. She gasped.

In the room
"God help me." Lance whispered. He squeezed his eyes shut as the knife plunged nearer to his heart. It was three inches away.



The cyclobot cried out in pain and Lance heard the knife hit the ground. "Huh?" He looked over to see his mother bursting into the room, her weapon hot and her eyes fierce. What made him smile was seeing Wes right behind her.

"Let him go." Jen said. She didn't take her eyes off of Frax. Jen waved her hand as a few officers went over to Lance and unlocked him. Once he was free, they took him safely to him mother's side. "You okay, kiddo?" Jen asked, her eyes fixed on Frax still.

"Uh hu." Lance said. The officers protecting him lead Lance to a corner away from the fight.

"Now it's just us." Wes stood by Jen. Katie, Lucas, Eric, Trip and Nadira stood by their side. Ransik stood next to his daughter. "Put the weapon down and order your robots to shut down."

"Robots, offline." Frax commanded. Every cyclobot dropped their weapon and collapsed into piles of nuts and bolts.

Ransik's eyes narrowed. "Don't be fooled, Lieutenant. He's using the same trick I used all those years ago." Jen just nodded. Her eyes were focused.

Frax put his arms up. "I surrender. You win. I am sorry for what I have done."

Jen holstered her blaster hesitantly as she enlarged the cuffs. She kept eye contact with Frax.

"You are-" Jen began, but Frax blasted her and Jen went flying back into the doors. Glass broke as she flew into then doors.

"Open fire!" Wes commanded. Pings of blaster shots were heard as the officers fired upon Frax, but had to effect. Jen crawled back into the room and also began to fire.

Frax plowed through the officers effortlessly. Jen saw the two officers protecting Lance begin to move.

"Protect my son at all costs." She told them. Lance saw the worry in his mother's eyes. She saw Lucas fly across the room. "Lucas!" Jen ran over to him. "Are you okay?"

Lucas grunted. "Yes. I'll be fine."

Jen stood up. "This is it. Let's do this!" The rangers raised their morphers. "You're finished, Frax."



"Morphing won't help you, rangers. Robots will rule the world!" Frax charged as the rangers called for their weapons.

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