Chapter 5: Darkened Skies

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Kingston Park: 1 week later

"He shoots, he scores!" Lance said as he kicked the ball past Wes and into the "goal" they set up. A ping sound was heard as the ball hit Wes's hand and went into the net.

"You're right, Jen. He's got a strong kick." Wes said. He shook his hand to stop the sting from the ball.

"Get's that from me!" Jen said as she high-fived Lance.

Jen dribbled the ball and kicked it to Wes. He stopped it and smartly kicked it back. "Are you challenging me, Wes?" Jen asked.

Wes smirked. "Maybe." Lance laughed.

"Keep away!" Lance called out. He grabbed the ball and stood between them. "Let's make this a clean game, okay? No bloody noses or broken arms." Lance threw up the ball as Jen and Wes jumped for it. Wes got ahead of her and ran towards the goal, but Jen stole the ball and began running towards his side.

"I see you're falling behind, Commander!" Jen called.

"Not so fast, Lieutenant! I'm easily catching up!" Wes tried to tackle her, but fell.

"Eat my dust!" Jen called. She kicked the ball into the goal.

"GOALLLL!" Lance called out. "Yea mom! You smoked him!" Lance cheered.

Jen laughed. "Where do you think you got it from?" Wes walked up.

"Not bad. I'd beat you at tennis any day." Wes said.

"But this was soccer, not tennis." Jen stated. Wes rolled his eyes. Lance watched an ice cream truck pull up.

"Ice cream!" Lance called out. "Mom! Wes! Can we get some?"

Jen shook her head. "Not today, kiddo. You'll ruin your appeit—" Wes cut Jen off.

"Sure." Wes said. "Let the kid have some ice cream, Jen. Besides, dinner's not for a few hours." Jen rolled her eyes and the three walked over to the ice cream truck. "What do you want, Lance?"

Lance looked at the truck. "Umm...a Spider-Man pop!" The ice cream man handed him it.

"I'll have a frozen lemonade, strawberry." Wes said. "Jen, what do you want?"

"Same." Jen said. She took the ice cream and Wes paid. The three sat down at a table and began to eat. Lance finished his up in a hurry, but was messy. "Lance, go ask the ice cream man for some napkins, okay?"

"Sure." Lance said and walked away.

"He's crazy, Jen. How did you manage for 10 years straight?" Wes asked.

"I don't know, really." Jen looked at Lance and smiled. "But it was worth it." Jen said.

"So, what are you doing later tonight?" Wes asked. He took a bite of his ice cream.

Jen smiled. "Why? Do you have something in mind?" Jen said. Wes smirked.

"I was thinking of something a long the lines of dinner and a movie. " He said.

Jen smiled. "Sounds great. But what are we going to do with Lance?"

"Katie and the boys can watch him. I'm sure they won't mind." Wes said. He took a bite of his ice cream as Lance came back over.

"Back! And I come bearing napkins!" Lance declared.

Jen rolled her eyes. "Come here." She took the napkin and wet it, then began the task of cleaning Lance's face. But he backed away in protest.

"Mom!" He said angrily." That's soooooo embarrassing! You have no idea!" Wes broke into laughter.

"Just like you, Jen." He turned to Lance. "Wanna hear a story about your mom being embarrassed?"

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