Chapter 14: Activation part 2

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"Wow..." Lance trailed off. He held the Star of Venus in his hands.

It was growing brighter with the increase of pressure he put on it.

"Amazing!" Lance exclaimed.

A door slammed shut. "That pesky Pink Ranger. When she hears of her son's death then she'll..." Frax said. He walked into his lab to see Lance with the Star in his hand. "What!"

Lance jumped to see Frax standing in the doorway. "Oh no!" Lance yelled. He held the crystal in hand as he tried to run.

"GET HIM!" Frax called.

"Ahh!" Lance yelled. He dashed for the stairs, only to be stopped by a gang of cyclobots.

Lance struggled to move, but their grip was powerful.

"Don't try and fight it, boy." Frax warned. "Hand over the crystal."

Lance looked at him. "Never. You're going to kill my mom and Wes! I heard you talking!"

"Don't be a fool, boy. Hand me the crystal." Frax said. His voice was edgy.

Lance looked at him. Frax's eyes were an evil red. Lance looked at the floor. With what power he could muster up, he chucked the crystal at the floor. It only bounced and skidded to Frax's feet. "Stupid bo—" Frax stopped. Just as Lance threw the crystal, it stopped glowing. "Hold out a hand." Lance didn't move. "NOW!" Frax yelled.

A cyclobot held out Lance's arm. Frax placed the crystal to his hand and it began to glow.

"That's it!" Frax laughed. "It's beginning to make sense." Frax muttered. "I'll need better machines to pull this off..." He paused. He turned to one of his cyclobots. A few moments later, it left. Frax had a mischievous look upon his face and laughed quietly to himself.

Later that night: Collins Estate
Wes sat on his bed trying to figure out why Jen was acting so weird all day. She wouldn't talk to anyone but Katie.

"What is wrong with her?" He mumbled.

As in on queue, Jen walked into their room, a bright smile was on her face.

"Hi Wes." She said sweetly. She sat down on the bed and gave him a tender kiss.

After Wes came back to earth, he looked into her sparkling brown eyes. "What's gotten into you? The other night it seemed that you didn't want anything to do with me."

Jen shrugged. "I've just been feeling a bit worried about Lance. That's all." Jen said. Wes thought he heard a certain uneasiness in her voice, but disregarded it.

"That's all?" Wes asked. Jen nodded. "I was beginning to think you stopped loving me." Wes joked.

Jen gave him a playful slap on the shoulder. "What would give you that idea?"

"I don't know." Wes said. He kissed her. Jen smiled and she lay down in his arms.

Wes sighed contently, knowing that Jen wasn't hiding anything.


Ransik had been sitting in his bed. It wasn't like what he was used to. No hard spring mattress, like in the prison. This mattress was soft and cushiony, with a warm comforter on it. He had just finished taking a shower, as odd as it may have seemed. He felt good being clean.

He reached over to his bedside table and grabbed a bottle full of a blueish-gray gel.

"I hope this stops soon." He muttered.

Within the past years, Ransik was being given different medications and treatments to help his mutation. Different test had been done on him, hoping to reverse the mutations, but none prevailed. The gel he had been given was in place of a treatment for his arm. It helped cool the boiling he felt, and he even noticed his attacks were occurring less and less.

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