Chapter 17: Goodbyes don't last forever

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"Jen's pregnant," Wes whispered. His breath made a small area of fog on the cold glass. ""

In Jen's room

Jen slowly opened her eyes to see dimly lit lights surrounding her. She moved her arm, but a needle protruding from her arm restricted her movement.

Someone opened the door. "Jen?" came a male voice.

She recognized the voice instantly and smiled. Wes slowly closed the door and walked in and closed the door. He had a worried look on his face.

"Wes, is everything okay?" Jen asked. She touched his face. What she felt was his cheek was sweaty and he was fairly clammy. "Sweetie, are you sick?" Jen asked.

Wes shook his head. "No. I—I was worried about you. That's all. You, and the baby." His voice seemed to drop 2 octaves.

Jen sighed. "Lance is fine, Wes. The doctors are-" Wes shook his head.

"I'm not talking about Lance," Wes whispered.

Jen smirked. "What are you talking abo-" Jen finally realized what he was getting at. "I can't be...the...the test... said that..." Jen stuttered.

Wes bowed his head. "The pregnancy test you bought, it was for the pregnancy hormone, Jen. It only detects the chances of you getting pregnant, but it's not accurate. Being pregnant and having the pregnancy hormone are two different things."

Jen put her head against the pillow and closed her eyes. "So I was testing for the hormone. So I am pregnant. But how do you explain the bloating and then I'm back to normal?"

"The hormone was preparing your body for the baby. Bloating is just the body's way of preparing for the baby."

"And the pain I had before?" Jen asked.

"Your body's way of protecting the baby. The hit you took from Frax was hard. Your body cramped to enclose the embryo to protect it." Wes said. He paused. "I-I've been reading the magazines out in the lobby."

"You're the baby's father, Wes." Jen muttered.

He put his forehead against hers. "I know."

"I just don't want the baby to grow up without knowing his father like Lance did." Jen felt warm tears streaming down her cheeks. "You can't stay until the baby's born, can you?"

"I don't know," Wes said. "We'll figure something out Jen. I promise." He kissed her forehead lovingly and held her hand tightly.

From outside the door, Lance heard everything. "Wes is leaving..." At the mention of Wes's name, he remembered something. He had to write an essay for his teacher, on his father. Lance got a piece of paper and a pen.

He sat down and began writing.

A few days later

Jen had finally been able to leave the hospital. She returned to her apartment where Wes and Eric help her and Lance settle back in. But Wes and Eric couldn't stay for long. In an hour they were returning to their time. For good.

Once Jen sat down on the couch, Eric saw the longing behind each other's eyes.

"Umm, Lance. Why don't we go get the work from school that you missed." He pushed Lance out of the room and gave Wes his 'you can thank me later' look. Once they were gone, Wes sat down next to Jen. She drew in an uneven breath.

"Jen, I-" Wes stopped. Jen placed her fingers over his lips, silencing him.

"Shh. Don't say it, Wes. Please don't." Jen pleased. Wes kissed her passionately as his hands caressed her cheek. He felt her tongue slip slowly past his lips. He gently pushed her back onto the couch as he lay down on top of her. His hand slowly slid up her shirt.

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