Chapter 9: Star Light, Star Bright

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Lance watched painfully as his mother and Wes fought. He couldn't take it anymore.

"Stop it! Stop it! Stop yelling! I'm sick of it!" Lance said above them as his eyes flooded with tears. Jen's head shot left and she watched Lance look at her, then ran up the stairs and she heard a door slam. Jen looked at Wes.

"We'll finish this later." She said calmly and walked up to Lance's room.

When she arrived, Lance was heard quietly sobbing through the door. "Lance, can I come in?" Jen called. No answer. "Sweetie?"

"I don't care." His muffled voice came through the door. Jen slowly opened the door to see Lance sitting on his bed, and his face in his pillow sobbing lightly. He lifted his head and looked at her, eyes red.

Jen sat down on the side of his bed and took a deep breath. "I'm sorry you had to hear that, Lance." Jen said slowly. Lance didn't respond. "You have to believe me, I didn't mean the things to said to Wes." Still no response from Lance. "What's wrong?"

"Besides the obvious?" Lance asked smartly. Jen didn't respond.

"I deserved that." She admitted. Lance looked at her.

Lance sniffed heavily. He looked in his mother's eyes and saw sorrow. Lance knew she didn't mean what she said to Wes. It was out of anger. But something else was on his mind.

"It was stupid of the two of you to be fighting." Lance said quietly. "You two love each other and you still fought. You once told me that when you're in love, there's no reason to fight. But seeing you and Wes, I don't know what to think anymore."

Jen sighed heavily. "There's going to be a lot of things you won't understand, Lance. Not for a long time, at least. But love will be the most confusing. Love is..." Jen cut off trying to find the right word. "complicated." She said. "when I first met Wes I had no idea what to think. I was young and..."

"Stupid?" Lance suggested. Jen laughed slightly.

"Yes, stupid would be a good word to use." Jen said. Lance smiled. "Come here, kiddo." Jen held her arms wide open to Lance who graciously accepted his mother's hug.

"Mom?" Lance asked. "Do you still love Wes?" Jen didn't respond. Lance looked at her. "Please say yes, Mom. You two need each other and depend on each other."

"I don't know what to think anymore, Lance. I really don't." Jen said. Lance bowed his head. Jen looked at the clock, which read 9:36PM. "Get to sleep, Lance. You need your energy for tomorrow." Lance changed into his pajamas and lay down in his bed. Jen tucked the comforter around him, since to was going to be chilly tonight. Jen kissed her son goodnight and went downstairs to watch some TV.

Lance couldn't sleep. He got up and looked out his window, to see a little lonely star in the sky. He looked out the window as the star shown over him.

"Star light, star bright, first star I see tonight. I wish I may, I wish I might have this wish that I wish tonight." Lance completed the poem. "Please let my mom and Wes get back together. I know they love each other. I know that you can't grant everyone's wishes, but this is all I ask for. Please get them to love each other again. I know they do."

Lance watched the little star for a while, it's light dimmed for a brief moment, then glowed again.

Wes's room

Down the hall, Wes lay down on his bed and re-played his fight with Jen ten times over in his head. He knew she didn't mean the things she said, and even a deaf man could tell Jen wanted revenge on Frax. He had no doubt in his mind about that. But the most heart-wrenching experience Wes had to go through was seeing Lance come in and see Jen and Wes yelling at one another. It brought back to many memories of his parents fighting. They fought every night, about petty things. It was anything from a painting not being hung right on the wall to the divorce his parents wanted.

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