Chapter 4: I sometimes wonder

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Collins Estate: 8:30am

Wes walked sleepily down the stairs. The smell of eggs and bacon drifted to him and pulled him into the kitchen.

Lucas was sitting in the living room with his breakfast watching the race on TV. Katie was cooking herself some eggs and had some orange juice. Trip refilled the pitcher containing the orange juice and handed a cup to Katie. Just like old times.

Wes looked at the table. His father was sitting down reading his paper sipping a cup of coffee and eating a bagel. Across from him Lance sat down and ate a bowl of cereal while devouring the comics section.

Just like Wes, Lance loved the comics section. There was not one morning where Wes couldn't remember not reading them. And since it was Sunday, that meant a whole 2 pages worth.

"Morning, Wes." Michelle said. She kissed him passionately.

Mr. Collins looked up at Wes and smiled. "Good morning, son. Sleep well?"

Wes nodded sleepily. But his eyes didn't fail to notice someone was missing.

"Where's Jen?" He asked as he stretched. Katie was about to answer him when the sound of the side door opened up. Footsteps could be heard as Jen entered the kitchen. Wes looked at her.

"Morning, guys." Jen said cheerfully. Her eyes drifted towards Wes. "Hi Wes." She said

"Umm, hi." He replied lamely.

Michelle stepped forward. "Hi. I'm Michelle Cravez, Wes's fiancé."

"Jen Scotts." Jen said. She shook hands with the woman.

"That's Lieutenant Jennifer Scotts. She's also the pink ranger." Lance spoke up. "Mom always says that around the new officers or someone she meets." Lance went back to his cereal and comics. Jen rolled her eyes.

"He's yours?" Michelle questioned as she gestured toward Lance.

"Yep. As crazy as he is, you just gotta love him." Jen said.

"Mom, how come the comics aren't as funny back in our time as they are here?" Lance spoke up.

Mr. Collins laughed and smiled at him. "Interesting kid you've got here, Jen."

Jen giggled. "Yea, he's cool." Jen smiled as she ruffled Lance's hair. He spoke up in protest.

"Mom! Come on! That's so embarrassing!" Lance said as Jen smirked and kissed him on the cheek. Lance wiped his cheek with his shirt and gave Jen a nasty look. Jen merely smiled.

"I'll be up in my room of anyone needs me." Jen said. Wes watched her walk out. Katie noticed something behind his eyes. Michelle walked out of the room.

"Why don't you just go up and talk to her, Wes?" Lucas pushed. "Besides. Who ever said you had to get married to Michelle?"

"Lucas!" Katie and Trip hissed. Wes watched Lance's eyes look at him. Mr. Collins did the same.

"I'll, umm, be back later." Wes said slowly. He exited out of the kitchen and headed toward Jen's room.

When he got there he took a deep breath and opened the door. "Jen, I think we need ..."

But just as the door opened, Jen's body was to Wes and she pulled off her top, causing her upper body to be fully exposed. Wes couldn't close the door in time.

"Wes! Damn it!" Jen yelled as she ran out of the door's way and jumped for her shirt. Wes slammed the door shut and leaned back against the wall. He slammed him hand over his eyes trying to get rid of the image.

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