Chapter 12: Mutation of the Heart, part 2

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"Hello, Lieutenant. Long time no see." Ransik said. His voice was neutral, but a warm smile spread across his face.

"Ransik." Jen said. Wes noticed her voice was a bit edgy, and she was extremely tense.

"We've been sent here by Time Force to help." Nadira said. She was still in Lucas's arms as he held her. A smile was plastered on Lucas's face.

Wes looked at Nadira. She was still skinny, but had became slightly muscular from the last time he saw her. She was dressed in a...Time Force uniform?

"I was hurt by Frax many years ago. You must believe me when I saw that I want him off of the streets as much as you do, Lieutenant." Ransik said.

The rangers, as well as the three officers, looked at Jen. Her eyes were tense.

"I also want to help your son." Ransik added. "I love Nadira with all my heart, and I would hate to see her in the same position as your boy."

Jen exhaled slowly. "If you want anything out of this..." Jen began. Ransik stopped her.

"The only thing I want out of this, Lieutenant is your trust and friendship." He paused. "Please."

Jen looked into his eyes, searching for a flaw. But she found nothing. "If you do anything to jeopardize this mission, I'll see to it personally that you are put into cryogenic detainment for life. With no chance at parole, and you'll never see your daughter again." Jen's words were hostile.

"Agreed." Ransik didn't hesitate.

"Katie. See to it that Ransik is given a place to stay." Jen seemed calmer.

"Right." Katie walked toward the three officers holding him, and led Ransik to a spare room.

Just before Jen entered the house, the turned to Ransik yet again

"Thank you for your concern about Lance. If this mission succeeds, I'll see to it that your record be cleared and you are given a second chance at a life." Jen said.

Wes, Lucas, Katie and Trip were flabbergasted at Jen's remark.

She turned on her heel and entered the house.

Jen stood outside overlooking the sunset. The events of before were still stuck in her head.

Ransik wanted to help. He wanted to capture Frax. He wanted to help get Lance back.


The one mutant she despised above all wanted to help her. Ransik wanted to help. Not cause destruction and destroy Time Force. He wanted to see that Frax is put away...and Lance is safely back with Jen.

Jen shook her head and sighed. A noise of a door closing and footsteps were nearing her spot. She turned around to see Eric, Lucas, Katie, Trip, and Wes walking towards her. Nadira was also with Lucas. Ransik walked next to his daughter. Mr. Collins walked next to Wes.

Jen raised her chin. "Let's get down to business."

The group sat down in chairs around a fire pit. A fire roared as Jen began to speak.

"Frax has taken Lance, and he has hurt civilians. He must be stopped at all costs." Jen stated the obvious. Ransik watched here with intense eyes. She followed is gaze with one of her own.

"Katie, bring Ransik and Nadira up to date on the current situation." Jen said. "I'll be back in a few moments."

Wes knew something was up with Jen. He had seen the look Ransik and her exchanged. Wes watched her walk away as Katie began to speak. He slowly got up and followed her. She walked into the maze and wondered aimlessly. She came to the end finally. He let the spot overlooking the ocean. She leaned up against the balcony, until the sound of leaves crunching made her turn around. Wes stood in the path of the maze.

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