1- mission

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I'm at the KBS headquarter in my office. I'm a secret agent and I catch and kill criminals. No one knows about me except my manager and the upper people in the company. I'm currently rating things off as I just got finished with my mission, I had to kill a whole gang of 11 members so that they would stop bothering the big banks in Seoul. They had been robbing the banks completely empty and the police did a terrible job as always in trying to take them down. So the president of Korea hired my company to kill all of them. I got the mission alone and went undercover for a whole month in catching them, so I need a little bit rest before my next mission. I was sitting on my chair in my office while scrolling down Instagram; cause I have a social media life too, when my manager Sejin came into the office.

«You have A new mission sir. It's the biggest one yet"

"Damn I can't even get a week off? I've been working my ass off now and I'm set up the day after my last mission?"

"I'm sorry sir but it's an order from the president, we can't turn it down"

"You could give it to another agent. I'm not the only one in this company"

"The other agents have missions often too Jungkook. But you're our best agent. You'll have to take the bigger ones. Or else we won't catch them"

Even tho Sejin was my manager. He is also my best friend here, honestly the only person who had all my respect and loyalty. This man has been through hell and back and still keeps positive.

"How can you still be smiling Sejin? You're really something"

"I have a daughter Kook. Once you get one too you'll be happy forever, the bad things are not as important anymore"

"Well I'm sorry but I won't ever get my own family, I'm a workaholic as you know. Plus all girls are sluts"

"We'll see sir. Someday you'll think very different. I'm counting on that for sure,"

I rolled my eyes cause I'm disgusted by myself actually talking about this. "Anyways, tell me more about the mission"

"Okay, so the time period of the mission will be around 1 to three years. So it's pretty big. You'll have to take your time with this one as it is the most dangerous and one single mistake can kill Korea. Your target in this one is the one and only Kim Jong Un"

"You're kidding right? The leader of North Korea? Look so I'm going up again this whole military team too?"

"Yes unfortunately, I know you can do this. Kill the military or just get them out of your way, but don't kill him. We want him alive."

"Are you really asking me to just bring him to you guys so that you could do what? If I'm doing this, you bet I'll be the one killing that bastard"

"He has been putting down big bombs all around South Korea. They are active now and with just one push of a button on his devises, there won't be any South Korea left. This is important, if you won't take this, we all die in a matter of years"

"Okay geez why are you being so dramatic? It's a tricky mission. I guess I'll take it. But please make me some more  coffee first. I'm so tired"

"Mhmm while you're drinking your coffee, look over the files with  all the information you need, oh and by the way, I forgot to tell you that for this mission you will have a partner"

I looked up from the files and to Sejins happy eyes. Almost as if he were liking the idea with me being social with the other workers here. "I can't work with anyone. Sejin you know i work best alone. Please just let me do this alone???" I almost begged because of someone gets on my nerves while I'm working, I'll pull the trigger."

"You'll be working together with a new transfer from Thailand, I don't know her skills yet but they say she will do good, and besides every one in the upper leads thinks this will be a good combination."

"Ugghhhh fuck— wait! Did you just say her?"

"Yes her name is Lalisa Manoban. She likes knifes I've heard, but again you have a lot you can teach her. You'll be spending most of your time together for the next years. You'll be living together at a mansion in incheon. This is where you'll be training and all that stuff for at least two months before you actually make a move on the target and his men. Remember to always stay low key"

"And how old is this girl? I need a person who is suited for myself. I am terrible at working in pairs and you know that,"

"Well there is reasons for you to be working with a girl Jungkook. You'll see soon enough, but for now, teach her what you can and get started."

"Okay you can leave now, you're so annoying,"

Sejin chuckled at me and left my office. I sat there in my chair thinking about how the fuck this will work. Even tho I'm an agent, i do love to kill people, if she screws up, I won't hesitate. I just hope she isn't a lady who is all bossy cause I can't stand that.

I'm meeting her today in an hour and god give me strength. Ill teach her what I can.


I'm finally here in Seoul. I'm transferring to a different agency than my last one cause I need more competition and missions to take care off. I'm young and experienced but I still have a lot to learn, so I hope I'll learn more here. I'm currently standing outside KBS headquarters and I'll find my please once I get in.

I finally found my little office and was waiting for my boss to arrive. I'm sure this will be exiting. I want a mission asap.

Right as I was thinking about a new mission my boss came in.

"Hello miss Lalisa, I'm your new boss here and I'm just going to tell you what you'll be doing in this company for the next years."

"Hello mr Kim, you can just call me Lisa by the way. I Am exited to work here sir."

"That's good Lisa. Call me Namjoon or whatever you'd like. We are a family here."

They are a family. I hope I'll fit in here, in Thailand I wasn't the best at making friends and we were definitely not a family.

"Well as I said for the next few years, you'll be working on a mission with our best agent here in the company. I know you came here to learn more and become an even better agent then you are, so I think he can learn you all you need. This mission in a difficult one so work well together with your partner. You're target is North Korea's leader Kim Jong Un. I want you to bring him to me alive, you can kill people who comes in the way but I want him so be alive. It's very important, he has been settling bombs all around South Korea and that's why he is the only person who can deactivate the bombs. Or else we will all die when they fires off."

Ok? First day and I got a mission way to big for me. How will I do this?

"Um I'm sorry, but  it's this a mission for your best agents? I'm new, how can you know I'll do any good with a mission like this?"

How can he possibly put that trust into me. One screw up and we will all die.

"Don't worry, I've seen your work before Lisa, you'll be fine. Plus this mission is going to last long enough for you and your partner to train before the real thing begins."

I sure hope so.

"Okay sir. I'll do my best with my partner, but can I ask who he is?"

"Yes of course, his name is Jeon Jungkook  and he is our top secret agent in our company. He is the best of them all and I look forward to your work together. I think you will get along very well."

"Okay then, I'll do my best"

"Great so come with me and you'll meet him at his office, you'll be planning this mission alone so please be nice to each other."

"I always am sir,"

"I'm not worried about you Lisa, it's him I'm worried about, just be patient with him okay?"

I looked at him and nodded my head slowly.
I am good at working with people, I hope he is too though.

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