34-the water bottle

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The slight hope that Jungkook would be there besides me when I woke up was gone the moment I searched for him on the other side of my bed. His smell still lingered I'm my sheets and my mind traveled back to the night before. For the first time in what felt like decades, I woke up with a smile.

I headed downstairs and came down just in time to say goodbye to Jina.

I walked towards them and was about to say something when Jungkook made a rude statement.

"You know what... I never needed you before, so I don't need you now. Just get out of my house already!" He said to his mom.

My eyes widened and as much as I wanted to scold him, I waited until she left.

Jina walked out the door without saying anything and slammed it shut. Jungkook stood still with his chest going up and down watching the door.

"Why would you say that? After you left her for years?" I asked.

Jungkook chuckled and turned around to me shooting daggers in my eyes. "You think that badly of me, huh?" He scoffed. He walked towards me and put a strand of hair behind my ear. "It's the other way around."

I widened my eyes and again I wanted to hit myself for my stupidity. How could A mother leave her own child?

"I'm sorry, I just assumed th.."

"That I left her because I did it to you? You don't know shit about my past so stop assuming what happened," he said angrily.

"And when are you gonna tell me about your past? Seriously Jungkook you can't blame me for thinking the way I do. Stop shutting me out of everything and maybe this wouldn't have happened," I said and walked away to the kitchen.

As I walked into the kitchen I could smell a nice scent of pancakes and there was a whole table full of pancakes, croissants, berries and other sweets.
I sighed and smiled at how thoughtful Jungkook could be at times. It was clearly set for three people to eat, with plates for three and lots of food. I really hoped this morning would be different, we finally got together last night and it's a shame that the first thing we do is getting angry at each other.

Or, I'm not angry at him, I'm just losing my patience with him not letting me in. I wish I understood everything going on inside his mind, but he is so hard to read, and it's unfair that he knows everything about me, inside and out. He knows when I'm lying, when I'm sad, or when I'm happy, he can read all my emotions.

I jumped when I felt two strong tattooed arms around my waist and his head in the crook of my neck, hugging me from behind.

"I'm sorry..." he muttered and gave my neck a few soft kisses. "I'm just upset that she just walked right out again."

"It's fine, I didn't know she was the one that left you. It just made sense in my head that it was you. I shouldn't have assumed anything I don't know," I said and turned around to hug him too. I buried myself in his warm chest and relaxed.

After we ate, Jungkook told me that he had the day off today and wanted to spend it all with me, I got so happy I jumped in his arms causing him to fall on the ground. He is always working and now that things seems to be going right again, all I want is more of his time.

We sat in the livingroom enjoying a movie, when I felt bored. I really miss my job, I miss going out and doing a difference for the country. I miss the times when me and Jungkook would catch criminals all day long. And now I can't do that anymore. Here I am loving a criminal, who should be locked up in prison years ago.

"I want in," I blurted out. Still sitting besides Jungkook leaning into him, he shifted his position and turned me to him.

"What? You want in where?" He asked confused.

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