19- get down!

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I sat in the car silently waiting for Jungkook to get back. Bored and tired, I waited for him so I could go home and sleep. Mostly I wanted to do this mission with him, but he was so persistent on me healing before I get out in the game again. I tried to argue on the topic with him but he was unstoppable so here I am bored as fuck.

He is also taking a lot of time in there, everything would go so much faster if he would let bangtan and the girls to come with him, but no. He wanted to do this all by himself, I guess he still wasn't happy that the girls were saying he was a cheating jerk. I get him, but I thought he was cheating all along too. He doesn't want to let anything go and that is so annoying.


After shooting 8 men I was finally on my last target. Dead bodies laying just besides me while bleeding out on the floor.

"Hmm another KBS agent trying to kill me," my target said.
I laughed of his obliviousness of what was in store for him.

"Yeah, but you haven't seen this face before," I told him.

"Well no, but I'm sure you're no better than the other guys," he said.

I took long steps towards him and pointed my gun at his head.

"How can you be so sure, I'm here pointing a gun at you," I said.

"Look around, you missed a few shots," I looked around and there was 3 other guys surrounding me. All pointing their guns at me.

"So you shoot me, they'll shoot you. You are out numbered," he said smirking.

I laughed. Out numbered, like I wasn't familiar with that. I work alone dumbass.

"My specialty is taking out several men at the exact same time sir, your posse don't frighten me," I said.

He was so slow at talking and I wanted to get out of there to my girl, I used my rifle that was hidden inside my jacket, took it out faster than possible and spun around while shooting everything around me. They didn't see that coming. Their bloody dead bodies were on the ground with their eyes wide open. I dusted off my clothes and walked out of the building.

"3...2....1," a loud explosion was heard. I may have placed a bomb in there.

The explosion went up in the air right behind me, so that I could feel the intense head at my back. I saw Lisa's shocked face sitting in the car while walking towards it. Her face made me chuckle and smile. Her mouth was wide open with eyes wide as well.

I opened up the door and got in.

"Hey baby," I kissed her lips while she was still shocked.

I let her take the time she needed for her to recover while I started the engine. She was so cute like that, like she had no idea what was going on. Finally she spoke.

"What was that? What happened in there?" She asked.

"Mission complete happened, but it's no fun in just leaving the place bloody and nasty, why not just blow the whole thing up?" I said while looking at her for a second before focusing on the road.

"You're crazier than I remembered," she said while smiling to herself.

I suddenly got nostalgia of how we first met. Then silently chuckling of how fast she captured me. Like no one had ever done before, nor would ever do except her. Sometimes it makes me think, I fell in love with her the second I saw her face. It was like I heard bells ringing whenever she was near. I tried to ignore it all and focus on work. My strategy was being my usual me, mean and a jerk to everyone, but then I got a strange desire for her. Everytime I saw her, I wanted to kiss her, touch her and love her. When we were training that time I couldn't stop myself from kissing her, from tasting her. The only thing that could stop me was herself, but she didn't so I kissed her. Then walked out because of my pride. Never let work and personal life collide. Or more like, don't fall in love. I had succeeded in that all my life, until she ruined it.

I feel weird even thinking about it. How can I love her so much? It's something that scares me, the first real thing that frightens me, is her.

What she does to me, how she has changed me, what if someday it will all fade away, who will I become then?

"Jungkook!" I snapped out of my thoughts suddenly when she yelled my name.

"I've been calling you for so long, look behind us. I think they're following us," she said nervous.

I looked in my mirror and three vans were indeed following us.

"Shit." I mumbled.

"Hold right I'm speeding up," I said as I stepped down hard on the pedal. Lisa kept holding tight and I drove in almost full speed.

The other cars sped up too and in my mirrors I saw they had guns. Lots of guns. They were only seconds away from shooting.

"Get down!" I yelled and she obeyed.

Windows broke in thousands of pieces, but I continued on full speed. My car was a Jaguar. Theirs was a van, and soon enough we lost them off our back.

"It's safe, you can come back up," I said to Lisa.

Slowly she came back up while sighting.

I drove for a little more unaware of the state she was in at the moment. I knew the incident scared her.

I stopped the car near a deserted parking lot and parked there. We were in the middle of nowhere with no buildings or anything, just the road.

I unbuckled my seatbelt and turned over to Lisa. She was turning the other way looking out.

"Are you okay?" I asked while rubbing her thigh.

"Yeah... I-I'm fine," I heard her voice crack, she was affected by the shooting.

I tried to turn her face gently my taking her jaw in my hand, but she wouldn't turn.

"Lali baby, look at me," I said.


I didn't have any other choice so I unbuckled her seatbelt too and lifted her from her waist and put her on my lap.

She relaxed and snuggled her head up in the crook of my neck. She held around me while she started cry more. I knew better than to speak to her now, all she needed was silence and comfort.

Guns are a thing I think will trigger her anxiety for maybe the rest of her life. It triggers it now and it won't just go away. That's a part of the reason why I don't want her to be around when I kill people. Because I usually kill with guns, I don't want her to witness that.

Lisa POV

I felt so ashamed. I was such a cry baby, and I hated to be that. I hated my fear of guns,it's so weird cause I can handle a whole explosion, but not a single gun shot. I'm embarrassed to be crying in his chest again. But I can't help it, and I know he doesn't mind, but I want to be strong and fight my fears. I wish PTSD didn't exist.

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