28- ice cold

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I had walked around the house for maybe 30 minutes, before I found his office. There are people everywhere, but everytime I got eye contact with any of them, they quickly avoided it and walked off somewhere. There was no use in asking for directions of this house, when the people here stayed at least 6 meters away from me. Like they were scared to approach me.

I knocked on his door and heard a faint 'come in'

He was sitting on his chair behind his desk on a computer not even looking at me. I walked further in and stood there waiting.

"Sit down," He said motioning to the chair in front of his desk.

I sat down and stared at him, how rude of him to not give a shit about his guests. He hasn't spared me a glance.

"Um hello?? I'm here you know, where the hell am I? Can you at least look at me when I'm talking to you!!" After all this time and he is acting like an asshole. I thought I would be happy to see him again, but now I'm just angry. Angry about what he did, he was so selfish.

He was still not looking at me. I sat there like an idiot, an angry idiot.

"And where is my phone?! Jungkook stop ignoring me! Where is my phone?" I raised my voice at him.

He finally looked up and took what looked like my phone out of a drawer, still holding his gaze at me he dropped my phone on the ground and took out his gun from the harness on his waist. He shot my phone three times.

I quickly covered my ears from the awful sound still not over what happened years ago, even though it's getting better and better.

"You won't be needing that anymore," he said while he began walking to the front of his desk and leaning on it. Our knees were meeting each other and I tried to slide to the back of my chair to avoid his touch, but of course he just stretched out his legs more.

"Why am I here?" I decided to break the ice.

He scowled.

"Isn't this what you wanted? You are so desperate, wanting me even though I called it quits," he said.
Something has changed with him, I thought he was bad when I first met him, but now? He is far worse, and I hate it.

"I'm having second thoughts now..." I said low, but I know he heard it.

"I called you in here because I need to teach you something," he said still with an ice cold face. He had clearly lost any feelings for me.

"Teach me?"

"Do you know all the shit work I've had to do because of you? To get the hit of off you?" He said with venom in his voice.

"What do you mean?"

"I said, don't look for me. Don't do anything that will get you in dangerous situations. And that's exactly what you do!!!" He said.

"Be thankful that you're still alive. Going here and there unarmed and trying to get yourself killed. These gangs have eyes everywhere. They have you on fucking video tape, snooping around." He said scolding me like a father.

"I was just trying to look for anything related-" I started off, but he beat me to it.

"-to me," he sighed.

I didn't know I had been seen by anyone, I thought I hid myself well. I didn't know he feels like I'm a burden.

"Just get out," he said.

I stood up and looked once more at him, searching for anything in his eyes that could give him away, but I was only met with anger and disgust.

I opened the door and got out before he said something that stopped me in my tracks.

"Don't be so desperate for what you will always have, it doesn't look good on you," he said then closed the door after me.

For the rest of the day I was stuck in my room, I didn't want to go anywhere else, I didn't want to see him again. I felt so humiliated for still being hopelessly in love when he is rejecting it. I'm such a burden for him, he is tired of saving me.
I fell asleep early, wishing I could just go back to the way it was before.

The next day, Jungkook wasn't home. I had courage to go downstairs and eat breakfast. There wasn't anyone in the house today, just me. I couldn't go home, he had guards outside that told me I was not allowed to go anywhere.

The day went on and it was evening now.
From the top of the staircase, I could see men in suits arriving, maybe 7 or 8 of them. Faces I haven't seen before, they walked in and down another staircase to what I guessed was the basement.

I waited for about an hour before I went down to the kitchen to grab myself something to eat.

"Hello there," I turned around quickly and saw one of the men.

"Um hi..." I said.

"I didn't know anyone else was here, are you Jungkook's toy?" He asked coming closer.

"What? No I'm just... I'm his friend," I said unsure of anything else to say.

"Well then. Do you wanna go somewhere more fun?" He said now standing only a few inches away from me.

"No please just leave me alone," I said backing up until I was at the edge of the kitchen table.

"Sorry I'm hungry," he said and lifted me up on the table, then forcing me on my back do that my legs were hanging from the edge and I was laying on my back.

"Stop!! Please!" I screamed but he slapped my cheek so hard I felt blood in my mouth.

He quickly ripped my shirt and removed it so that I was left in my bra. Then he took his pocked knife and cut through the middle of my bra. My chest was at full display, but I tried to cover myself up and kicking him, but he had tactics and moved between my legs holding me still.

"What in the hell is going on here!" Jungkook appeared. Looking furious.

"I was just tracing this chick some manners, she isn't very ladylike," the jock said.

I was crying, not moving at all, until Jungkook pulled me up to a sitting position on the table. He lifted me down from it and took the back of my neck and pulled me into his chest protectively. My face met with his beating heart, while his chest rose up and down. I could tell he wasn't pleased. He held me with a hand on my neck protectively while I could hear he took out his gun with the other hand.

"Now this isn't the way we treat women is it?" He said.

"Come on man! Come on... you can't shoot me. I'm your best man!" The man said clearly scared. By now all the other men had also arrived.

"Yeah you really were my best man," Jungkook said.

I flinched by the sound of the gun firing off at least 2 times.

"Does anyone else want to say something? Hm?"
Everyone was quiet.

"Al fucking right then," he said before shooting all over the room, killing everyone else.

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