Chapter 15- I'm Not Crazy

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-Torii's POV-
"So what's gonna happen with the tour?" I asked not taking my eyes off of my phone. I was sitting in the waiting room with Wesley while my uncle was in the room with Lexy. It's been almost a month and a half since Lexy has been in a coma.
Keaton went down to the cafeteria to get some hot chocolate. I would've gone with him but he wanted to be alone for a minute so here I am stuck in the hospital waiting room at 1am with Wesley. Great.
"Huh?" He looked at me like I was crazy.
"It's dead silent in here and you couldn't hear me?" I said still not looking up from my phone.
"Sorry I uh" he paused. "I talked to Simon and we just put everything on hold for now. Since we don't know when exactly she'll be out."
I nodded and he sighed. I decided to just go see Lexy. I stood up and walked down the hall. When I got there my uncle was about to leave. He had to go get some sleep for work. I gave him a hug and sat in the previously occupied chair next to the bed.
"Lex. You're such a douche. I know you can hear me. Stop being an ass and wake up." I sighed. "Keaton's a mess. He's worse than me" I let out a small laugh. "But seriously please wake up. I need you. You're my partner in crime. Who am I supposed to do stupid stuff with?" just then I could've sworn I saw something. She moved her mouth as if she was trying to smile but it didn't quite work. "Alexis if you can hear me, squeeze my hand" she did it. Oh my god.
I pressed the call button furiously until a nurse came running in.
"What happened?" she asked frantically?
"Hm. Ok." She said walking over to check the monitors. "Alexis, if you're able to, open your eyes."
"Alexis, can you move any part of your body for us? maybe move your fingers or toes?"
"Well it looks like she's not responding. Maybe you imagined it?"
"IMAGINED IT? IM NOT CRAZY I FELT IT" I was starting to get angry because she wasn't believing me.
"Miss, I'm not saying you're crazy. Maybe you just need some sleep. You've been here all day. People start to have hallucinations when their loved ones are in a coma."
"NO! IM NOR HALLUCINATING. I KNOW WHAT I SAW!" That's when Keaton and Wes came running in.
"What happened? is she ok?" Keaton asked worriedly.
"SHE MOVED! SHE MOVED BUT SHE WONT DO IT AGAIN SO SHE THINKS IM GOING CRAZY!" I exclaimed, pointing at the nurse. Wesley stood there wide-eyed and Keaton walked over.
"Lex, squeeze my hand please baby."
Nothing again.
The nurse told him what she told me about the hallucinations and just looked at me with sad eyes.
"Torii, maybe you should go get some sleep."
"BUT SHE MOVED! I SAW IT I-" I paused for a second gaining my composure. "I I I felt it" I whispered looking down. I could feel a tear falling from my eye.
"How about Wes takes you home and I'll stay here with her. And I promise I'll call you if anything happens." I nodded. Then I felt a pair of arms wrap around my shoulders and guide me to the door. I knew it was Wesley. I really wasn't in the spirit to object so I just went along with him.
We walked down the hall in silence. His arm around my shoulder and my face pressed into his chest.
Once we got to my house I walked up the front steps and Wesley stood at the bottom. Before I opened the door, I turned and thanked him. I walked in and leaned against the door. then I'm not sure what happened but something made me open the door again, run out, and call his name. He turned with a quizzical expression.
"Can you stay with me? please?" he looked shocked but then started walking towards me.
"Of course."
We walked inside and up to my room. Without even thinking of Wes i went straight to my bed and laid down. I felt the edge of my bed dip so I know he sat down. I curled up and buried my face in my pillow.
-Wesley's POV-
I know I should just be here for her but being here in her room is reminding me of how it was before the tour. All I want to do is lay down next to her and cuddle. Sounds cheesy, I know. I need to talk to her and really apologize but now is not the time. She only asked me to stay is because she didn't want to be alone. Thinking about what I did to her and thinking about how hurt she looked when she saw me for the first time in the hospital, kills me.
"How are you feeling Tor?" She turned towards me but didn't say anything. I could see it in her eyes that she misses us too. She just shrugged.
"I'm not crazy, or sleep deprived Wes. She moved, I know she did."
"I believe you" She looked directly at me and sat up.
"You do?" I nodded and moved closer to her.
"Yes. I do" i pushed her hair out of her face and moved closer. To my surprise, she leaned in and put her head on my shoulder. I wrapped my arm around her.
"It's almost 2am though. Maybe you should sleep."
"Yeah. Ok." She laid back down and I followed. At first i was hesitant because I know she really hasn't forgiven me yet but I know she needs comfort right now so I took a chance. We laid in silence for a few minutes. I thought she might have fallen asleep until she spoke up.
"Can we watch a movie?"
"Sure. Which one?"
"Mmmm" she thought for a second then a smile came across her face. "How about Mary Poppins?" I laughed. "Don't judge me boy" I stood up and walked over to the movies, found it, and put it on. I tease her and complain about when she always wanted to watch this movie but honestly i don't mind it. It's her favorite disney movie and I think it's kind of cute when she sings along to the songs. I went back to the bed and she was laying on her stomach facing the tv with hers arms crossed under her chin. I laid next to her once again and she just looked at me and smiled then turned back to the screen. We watched the movie and by the time it was over she had fallen asleep. I grabbed a blanket from her closet and covered her with it. I decided to leave instead of sleeping over because i didnt want her mom thinking anything bad and when she wakes up I don't want her to freak out. I sat down next to her and put my shoes back on then stood up and walked towards the door. Before walking out i said, "I love you Victoria".
I was going to go back to the hotel since Keaton said he was going to stay overnight at the hospital again. Since we didn't live in Long Beach we decided to just get a hotel here because it would be easier than driving back and forth from Venice. I was almost there when my phone started ringing. I ignored it because I was driving but thenn it started ringing again. As soon as i pulled into the parking lot of the hotel, I picked up my phone to see that it was Keaton. He called three times so I figured it must be important. I called him back and he answered on the first ring.
"Wes where are you?!"
"I'm at the hotel, what's up?"
"I tried calling Torii but she's not answering."
"She's at home asleep. dude what's wrong?"
"Lexy just woke up."
Hey guys! its been a while</3 i know this is short but i wanted to post something while i could.

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