Chapter 10- Gifts

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I didn't want too many filler chapters and I wanted to get to the drama soon so I skipped about 4 months. Also I just noticed that I never wrote about the awards show that Wes asked Torii to attend with him so I'll probably have like a flashback type thing.


-Wesley's POV-

Tomorrow's the day. We'll be heading out on tour for three whole months. We've been going to rehearsals pretty much everyday and I can't be more excited. #Bandlife is the name of the tour. It only took us two days to come up with that but picking the opening acts was a completely different story. We didn't have our decision until the morning of our meeting. We chose Jackson Guthy and MKTO. Great music, great people, it's gonna be a blast. For our last night, we're going to have a 'get-together', as my mom calls it. All of our family and friends are going to be at her house around five so that gives me like three hours to kill right now. Since we're leaving our girls behind, Keaton and I came up with something special for them.

I walked in to Keaton's room and he was sitting on his desk Skyping with Lexxy. I walked up and popped my face in front of the camera pulling an ugly face. She screamed and we started cracking up laughing. When we finally calmed down she had red cheeks and she was pouting.

"That wasn't funny Wesley!"

"I'm sorry Lex but it was and I have to steal Keats for a while so byyyyyyyyyeeee!" I grabbed the back of Keaton's chair and started dragging him towards the door.

-Keaton's POV-

Wes started dragging towards the door before I could even say goodbye to Alexis. So I started yelling "Wait! Wait! Wait!" I could still hear her laughing from the computer. I jumped off of the tilted chair and ran back to my desk.

"Bye babe, I'll se you later"

"OK bye Keaton"

With that I ended the call and ran to catch up with Wes who was already in the car. We arrived at the mall and went straight to the Jewelry store. When we walked inside we could already see the short, stubby, sweet old lady that helped us before.

"Ahh boys, nice to see you. You're right on time" She smiled sweetly at us as she greeted us.

She brought us two black velvet boxes. One of them was a small cube, this one she handed to me. The other was a thin rectangle. I could barely contain the excitement I had in me. This was a perfect idea and I couldn't wait until I got to show Alexis tonight. After we paid the woman we headed to the food court to grab some lunch. As we were eating, Wes decided to ask me about my relationship. I was kind of surprised but happy at the same time because we haven't had any bro time.

"So how's everything with Lexxy?" He asked sounding interested.

"Everything's great. Well except for the fact that I can hardly see her" I admitted, taking a bite out of my burger. It's true, Alexis had one of those strict dads that rarely let her do anything. At first it seemed like he lets her go to Torii's house a lot but it was just because he was having problems so he tried to ship his kids off to other people. I try not to judge because I don't know the full story so all I can do is make the most out of the time we do get together.

"You seem happier when you're with her, if that's even possible" He added with a chuckle. I let out a small laugh too. He was right though, she just makes me feel like I'm on cloud nine, as cheesy as that sounds.

"I feel happier. I don't even know how to explain how I feel about her" I finally admitted it to someone other than myself and I felt so much better talking it out with someone other than my conscious.

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