Chapter 18 - Universal.

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-Lexy's POV-

Today we're going to Universal Studios and I'm beyond excited. I've never been there before and I'm going with all my friends and of course, my boyfriend, so it should be good. Torii just went straight home last night so she's going to catch a ride with Luis again. Niki and I are taking her car. I finished getting ready and walked over to her room.

"Hey, you ready?" I asked looking at the time. It was 9am.

"Yup...does this look alright?" She asked looking in the mirror then turning to face me.
She was wearing blue jeans and a white flowy tank top with white sandals. I nodded and stood up.

"Ok let's goooo" she said grabbing her bag and walking out.

We stopped at a small diner to meet up with the others and get breakfast before we went to universal.

Once we got to Universal, Torii was already there, along with Luis, Keaton, Wes, Drew, and Jay. We waited a little bit longer for Karla and Sara to show up then we all went inside. We walked around trying to decide on where to go first. I was holding hands with Keaton while walking up front then Wes, Drew, Sara, Jay, Niki, and Luis were behind us in a group and Torii and Karla were walking behind.

"LUIS!" I turned around and saw Torii running towards him. He turned around and opened his arms and once she got to him, she jumped and he spun her around.

"What was that?" He laughed.
She just shrugged.

"I wanna go this way first." She said pointing to her left. We all agreed and started walking that way.

"Can I have a piggy back ride?" She asked. He smiled and stopped walking to give her a chance to hop on his back. She did and he continued walking. I just laughed to myself.

"LETS RACE!" I yelled.

"Oh you're on" she smirked.
They stopped walking and I hopped on to Keaton's back.
As soon as he stood straight up again, Luis took off running.

"HEY NO FAIR YOU'RE A CHEATER" Keaton yelled running after them. I laughed the entire way.

"STOP STOP STOP" Keaton and Luis both stopped looking towards me.

"Can we go on that first?" I pointed to a roller coaster a few feet away. The rest of the group caught up to us and I asked them what they thought. Everyone shrugged and we walked toward the line.
We were standing in line for about 2 minutes and I started complaining that it was taking too long.

Keaton leaned down and whispered in my ear making me blush.
"You look really beautiful" he said.

"Thank you. you look pretty great too" he was wearing a light blue baseball tee with dark blue sleeves and blue jeans with black and white vans and a black beanie. You could tell he's been working out more lately just by looking at his arms. I look back and see the girls all smirking at me. I just stick my tongue out at them and turn back to Keaton. He had his arm wrapped around my waist as we waited. We made small talk until we finally got to get on the ride.

"Ok who's gonna hold my hand cause I'm terrified of roller coasters!" We all laughed at Torii because you could clearly tell she wasn't joking. Luis grabbed her hand and raised it.

"I will" he smiled down at her.

"Thanks babes"

We all got into our seats and waited for it to start.
The entire ride, I was screaming and gripping onto Keaton's hand. That had to have been the scariest thing I have ever experienced.

The for the next few hours we went on a lot of different rides and took loads of pictures.
5:00 rolled around and we decided to get going. Niki, Torii, and I still have to go to dinner with our parents.
When we left, Torii took over driving again.
It took us about an hour to get to her house from Universal Studios.

"Ok I'm gonna jump on the shower in my bathroom, you guys take whichever other showers you want. we need to be out of the house by 7:00" Torii said as we walked inside. She handed me a bag and headed up to her room.

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