Remedy Love

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Gasping for air you can hear this man repeating the words. “Don't leave me. Don't leave me.”

But why should you stay for this stranger when in the foreverlands you can be with the man you so foolishly fell in love with.

The stranger holds your hand the same time Lucci holds yours in the foreverlands.

Their touch connecting brought in the shock of warmth into your body that Lucci was the stranger keeping you alive. Gasping for air your eyes dilate feeling the amount of pressure entering your lungs and force out. Lucci pulls your head close to his shoulder his fingers digging into your hair.

Lucci's eyes were wide opened his heart beating in his chest. A brick that weighs so heavily in his heart knowing he did this to you.

A frozen body back from the dead that is cradled within his arms the one and only soul he will ever care about. “You will not die before me. You will never die without me!”

Shivering in his arms you continue to wheeze for air hearing him growl out every word. Lucci is frozen in shock from having you come back from the threshold of death. A man known for taking life not giving life has grabbed hold of your hand and pulled you back into this world.

“You are the only one I have in this world the only one I care for. I've denied you constantly believing it was the animal inside of me that just craved for you. A weakness that led me away from the mask I have trained in constructing for so long.

Leaving you was my greatest mistake. A mistake that led to this. Just so that I could understand how stupid I was. You are not my weakness you are my everything.”

Tightening his arm around your body pulling you closer, clinging onto your very own body. A vibrant shake in his eyes from the understanding that it is fear that courses through his veins. He felt it from your hand when you touched his cheek that you were falling away. Departing this world and leaving him. Leaving him to become the man he has always been.

That fear of losing you, he couldn't imagine living in this world without you. All those years he has lived life without a care only focusing on what he has set his mind to. But those days he spent with you felt as if you were the most important piece in his life. A piece of life that he wished to have had long ago.

How can he live without you? How could have he lived so long without you?

He tasted it, that bitter taste in his mouth of living his days as a hollow man if you did leave him.

A miserable man roaming the world his kills would be even more cold blooded. No one would matter nothing would have a meaning.

It's just now that he realizes how much you mean to him. Now that he holds you this close does he seem less of a man and more of a child.

A weakness that no other will ever witness from him.

Moving your hands on his chest your eyes swell with tears as you fill your lungs with air.

“Don't you ever leave me!”

Lucci loosens his arms around you from hearing the very words forced upon him. Pulling back he sees how destroyed you are as you shed your tears. Gripping his shirt tightly you croak from tears fighting to control your body you lean in and kiss him. With all you have in your heart you pour it into your lips in hopes that it will change something.

You just don't want him to leave you again and it's the feeling that you didn't do enough to show him that you needed him. You didn't believe you needed him this much till he brought you back. He came back.

Lucci presses his lips against yours deepening the kiss. No longer holding himself back no longer chaining his passion. All this suffering he brought it upon you. All of this doubt he started it.

Never again will he do this to you, now knowing that you are the most precious thing ever to be in his arms.

Parting he lets you breath before stealing your air only to share his.

“You are mine, you don't belong to death. Your life is mine to hold and mine to wield.” His hot lips brought sweet sensations across your neck as he pecked soft kisses. Sliding his fingers to your thighs his skin was electrifying bringing more than cold shivers.

“Don't you dare ever cheat on me with death ever again.” Nibbling your collarbone you wince a bit from the sting but it smoothed to pleasure. Sitting up straight his body begin to steam as he tore his shirt off you saw his sweating skin.

Crawling back his lips aggressively devoured the taste of yours. Everything about you he loved everything about you he wanted to keep. Appreciate every inch of your skin every part he wanted to explore and know.

Curling beneath him your body wanted him. The cold touch of death was beginning to fade away as his skin steamed above yours. Every hell needs to have a heaven. Lucci was your heaven which was very ironic.

Crawling lower you whimpered when he departed. Reaching out without thought your hands slid through his hair but a sharp sense of pleasure raged through your skin. Looking down between your legs Lucci's eyes met yours before he closed them to savour your taste. “Oh Lucci.” You whimper out his name and close your fingers into his hair.

All that has brought you to wish for an ending is now laughing down upon you. Mocking your past decisions. You chose death over this. It was just all almost enough to truly make you laugh at your own decision.

Lucci crawled back up pecking kisses along the way. Holding your hand he nibbled the tips of your fingers and licked your palm before biting it with the side of his fang.

Gasping from the sudden sting you looked up to see a devilish smile from him. A truly wicked man he is but he is yours to tame.

Between the covers of the bedsheets life seemed to have no time or worries. Every inch of it just brought more and more pleasure. A teasing of the world's Joy's that have been hidden. Even now as you quietly compare this love to your first it's more relevant to say that this how it should have been. This should have been your introduction to a true meaning of existence.

Breathing heavily Lucci sustained himself to watch the moments he brought upon you. Opening your eyes you met his that melt you into a world of sweet whimpers. Growling he furiously kisses your lips his nails digging into the bed sheets tearing the fabric. Wrapping your arms around him you feel it. That compressing burn that screams out for more.

That unexplainable knot that just makes you feel like his kitten. His thrusts deepen roughly wanting to hear his baby kitten scream for him.

Nuzzling the side of your neck he bites down leaving love bites on your neck claiming you as his.

“Tell me you're mine.” he finally growls out.

Whimpering you submit to those demands. “I am yours Lucci.”

Lucci snarls as he stops and adjusts himself between your legs. His arms coiling around your back pulling you close as he roughly thrusts into you making you yelp. Watching your pleasured face he thrusts more and more hitting the burning core. Showing you what he has held back until now that you have submitted into being forever his. Digging your nails into his back he smiles wickedly feeling your walls tightening. Increasing his speed his thrusts become more vicious and precise.

Lucci closes his eyes grinding his teeth feeling himself hang from the thread of his own need. Till the bubbling string bursts bringing the shivers of your legs. Lucci's nails dig into your sides and he quickly released you but you pulled him closer.  “Lucci!” You screamed out. 

Lucci snarls wrapping his arms tighter around you clenching his fists digging his nails into his palms. The burning pleasure of the climax drowned you both into the ocean of an endless fall.
Restless in bed he hovered above you looking into your eyes.
“Please don't ever leave me."
You both say at the same time.

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