Manifest Destiny

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((sorry for the late update I was just really nervous about this chapter.
I know some readers don't like chapters like these so I made it where readers can skip this chapter. But for those who are curious here you go. :-) please enjoy.))

A strange feeling lifted your hairs up. Holding Lucci's arm tightly you listen to the voice. The sensations of a strong force. "Lucci.. something's calling me."

Lucci looks around the crowd seeing Spandmam who had his hand on the handle of a sword. Sliding it out the blade reflected the flames the strong pulse of the sword caused the flames to dance wildly. Lucci's face hardens seeing Spandmam handle your father's blade. The memory of your father standing before him sliding his fingers on the side of the blade.

With every movement he made it was as if the swords had multiple movements. The past of it being left behind as it moved forward. It wasn't the blade that was deadly it was the handler. The sound of it was so much different a screech glass that cut the wind. But Spandmam, when he took out the sword the sound was dual like a aluminium being shook.

The fight was a great honor since your father was able to draw out a slash wound onto Lucci's back. That wound Lucci made it become the governments symbol.

Spandman! That sword! I will do everything to return that sword to her!

Lucci departs from you his body transforming as he starts to run letting out a roar toward Spandman. The fight begun as Kalifa who continued to hold in the rage of you stealing the leader appeared beside you. "We aren't done yet Nun!"

Jabra rushed in quickly but was tackled down by Doflamingo!?

WTF?! There are other pirates!? Did they just invite everyone to take over the fucking church!?

Gasping you jump back dodging her attacks. "You are unworthy to claim Lucci! And you are unworthy of this war! You let your sisters die to be a whore for the night!"

What happened to Kalifa? She's lost her cool! This isn't like her what's wrong? Could she have had feelings toward Lucci? Crossing your arms a string of lines slash as her thorn whip glides on the strings. "So you eat a devil fruit big deal! So did I!"

Turning quickly you hear Jabra whimper from Doflamingo's lashing. "Jabura!" You quickly turn to Kalifa and you swipe your hand as a line of strings crash to the ground and lash up smashing her to a building. "Jabura!" Running to him your fingers dance as if you were playing music.

Doflamingo's hand stops mid air as does his entire body. "Hm?" A wicked smile forms on him curious on who might have the same power as he.

Suddenly he is tossed to the other side but he lightly steps on the air and lands on his feet. "Baby doll face. Seems you have the same power as me." Licking his lips excited by this. "No! You are nothing. No crown, no royalty no real earning of power!"

Doflamingo grinds his teeth hearing you know about him and mock him.

"I'll cut that tongue out!" Doflamingo twists his fingers but you have been playing the strings ever since you stood before Jabra.

Spinning you whip a string that cuts through his attacks and his glasses. Blue eyes widen from shock.

Moving to the side you spin like a ballerina as the strings now become visible to the eye. They flow like the waves of the ocean as they reached the skies forming a tornado.

Crocodiles sand tornado also formed clashing into yours. "We will get her together." Doflamingo slides on a new pair of shades.

Lucci rored as Spandman summoned his elephants. Grabbing hold of the trunks Lucci's feet slid on the ground as it continued to push him.

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