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Jabra leaned closer to the baby crib watching the first daughter of the family. Your first 9-month pregnancy was a boy. Now it is 3 years you had a baby girl. It was heartbreaking due to the overwhelming stress, you had miscarriages.

And your depression came stronger than before. Suicide just kept ringing over and over these terrible thoughts of you not being good enough. Losing your baby's just weighed on your heart so heavily.

But you have two children and you couldn't let your selfish feelings get the better of you. You have to remain strong for them.

The worst part of it.

No one knows. Before you would hide your face and now you truly wear a mask of lies.

3 years and you are still internally suffering. But you have a daughter and a son. Of course, you would visit the town more often in search of toys and some clothes for the children. Mostly for the baby, you knit her some socks, gloves with exposed fingertips a hat to keep her head warm a blanket, and a scarf.

But she seemed to always want daddy's scarf. When Lucci carried her she would have a firm grip on his scarf and he would wrap her carefully around it and set her down on the crib. Seemed the only way she would sleep.

The greatest gossip that has escaped around the island is that Lucci is now the father of the church and you are now priestess after performing miracles in the town and the village.

Many times women have come over and attempted to flirt with Lucci but Lucci would chase them away. Many times men would come over to flirt with you and Jabura would chase them away. If Lucci ever found out about men coming over lying about wanting spiritual lessons he would end them. Luckily Jabura is always around before anything gets out of hand.

Oh! The island now believes they are cursed with a wolfman. Jabra transforms sometimes to catch food and travelers exploring the woods accidentally stumble upon him and his howls. The howls are tended to warn off threat that's close to the church.

More people begin to show up at the church despite no one being there to pray. They would sit and do their prayers. And you would gladly play the piano for them. Everyone at first was shocked to realize this doll-faced nun was the one who they thought was dead. But all along she's been alive and hidden behind a mask.

Many wonder why you hide your face but Lucci responds saying it is none of their business. The baby, of course, her cry's would be heard many times while many prayed and they would either see Lucci or you rushing over. The more time passed and the baby learned her first steps Jabura became more secure of her.

Before the people knew it, this giant fearsome werewolf would be with this one-year-old girl. While the 4-year-old brother was being trained by his father. And you?

You found a new therapy. The inside world of your sword where you stayed with your father. What he has convinced you off is handing down the sword to your son or daughter. Whoever is worthy of it.

But for now, you are the one with such tremendous power but you do not know how to use it. What for? There is no war. No terror. Only Pirates that once in a while attempt to take the village with their Devil fruit powers. So far Lucci has continued to follow your orders and attack only when you say so.

Other times ships would threaten to blow up the village and that is when you would summon your sword. Above it all.

Everything is average. Apart from your depression.

A light shined in the center of the room from where the Samurai sword was set and your body appeared in small particles. Sighing in the relief you stood up and carried it out with you.

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