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Lucci's group entered the church after Hattori send them a message. Lucci awaited for his companion to return back to his shoulder but instead flew past him to sit by your shoulder. Lucci's eyes remained still, cold like silver. Slowly looking to the side he sees Hattori rubbing his head on the side of your cheek.

Lucci feels as if this entire room just became dark. Hattori, his loyal companion has seen the destruction the betrayal the loss and the horrors. Everything his loyal companion cares not for, but you?

Hattori flew to your side the moment he returned. The moment he spotted you sitting on the bench of your piano. All the bird wanted to do was comfort you. Never has his companion flew past him.

I forgive all men.

Your words just ring in his mind. Tears stream down your cheek as you continue to play your last tunes on this beautiful piano.
--- just the cover was appropriate for this chapter----

This beautiful home that was your life of living memories. All you have given up for the love of two men. Seems that humans will commit sins no matter what.

Hattori purrs and you stop to look at him sitting on your shoulder. “Oh Hattori!” A weak smile forms on your face. Wiping off the tears you feel a small spark of happiness from the loving pigeon. “I have something for you.” Hattori remains with such a worried expression.

Hattori will express what his master can not. Moving to the other room you open a small drawer as Hattori jumps off your shoulder onto the drawer. “Look you see.” Taking out a small brush you start to brush his head and the bottom of his neck. The bird purrs softly arching out his neck.

A gift from you. A gift to the pigeon that has carried out man's lies. No one has ever given Hattori a gift. “It's for you Hattori.” Lucci watches from outside the door. The reflection on your face on the mirror. That bright smile you held. That smile he so much loves from you.

Closing his fists his mind seems to have gone into shock.

All the memories of him visiting you wishing to know your face. All he could think about was seeing you. Being yours felt more of his future rather than being the mindless killer he is for the government.

Being yours was more important than anything else. Having you smile, he promised himself never to make you cry. Such promises he broke.

Swallowing down his spiteful will of justice he sets all aside and focuses on the man you fell in love with.

“Do you love me?”

Stopping, your eyes raise up to the mirror to meet his. Forgiving is easy but loving him seems to have become a stockholm syndrome. For the past days he has never left you out of his sight.

“I am a prisoner like you said.”

The tone of attitude behind your voice didn't shake him like it would have days ago. In his eyes, the way they slowly lower down to the legs of the chair from which you sit.

Those silver eyes have become a portal of lonesomeness. Not only has he lost your trust but your love followed along with it.

Raising his head quickly to Hattori, Lucci speaks. “Tell them to wait.”

Hattori slides the mini brush into his coats pocket and leaves.

Closing the drawer your smile fades away and Lucci's heart aches.

Rob Lucci X Reader (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now