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Lucci forced Jabra to follow him into town. “Is there something going on? I think Y/n would have liked it better if I stayed and helped her out. She seems like a nice woman, it's a shame on what she has to go through.”

Lucci glared at Jabra from the corner of his eyes as they continue to walk. “Are you growing feelings for the lady of the church?” Lucci's voice seemed to be of death. “Emotionally as in my heart having something for her not truly. I'm just I don't know, I just feel like protecting her.”

Lucci quickly grabs hold of Jabura's neck rushing into an alley. Slamming his back up against the wall choking the life out of him. “The lady of the church doesn't need yours or anyone's protection! I also order you to cut down your visits with her! Where did you learn of her name!?”

Lucci loosens his grip to allow Jabura to speak. “She-she told me-” Jabura squeaks out the words. “Never speak of her name! You will prefer her as the lady of the church! Am I understood!”

Lucci tightens his grip around the wolfman's neck till his eyes roll back. Releasing him Lucci pops his neck feeling his body steam of rage. You never told him your name why would you tell Jabura?!

Everything else Lucci was tolerating until Jabra said your name. Lucci rushes out of the ally and Hattori lands on his shoulder sensing his master's emotions. “She told him her name. Her name!” Going up into his apartment he slams shut his door.

“Am I not trustworthy of her name?! Am I not the man who deserves to be blessed with her words?!” Leaning his arm against the frame of his window staring off at your church.

“I should kill him! I should kill them all! I should kill her! What am I doing? I have corrupted myself and lost sight of my goals! I have forgotten my training my pain!

And she? Who is she? How could she have dragged me away? What sort of manipulation is being used? What type of witchcraft has been manifested?”

Lucci falls back on his chair leaning the side of his cheek against his knuckles. Flaring eyes just lost in the darkness, the darkness that covered his vision of the night he danced with you. There was no spell, no witchcraft, no seductive attitude.

“She is naive.” Rubbing the sides of his chin where his goatee, lost in deep thoughts. “She protects the church with her life, she is the last nun of this island. Scars on her eyes that look of tears that burned down the skin.

No vows of a virgin nun and back in the kitchen she spoke as of being a mother. But when I asked she just seemed to have drowned in a mind of non existence. Zoro and Sanji visit her, so she claims them to be students.

The questions continue to rise.

For the truth of anything I surely didn't want to know her real name, the less I knew the best. But this may work to my advantage.

I have her name. Now what more is there to be known?"

Raising his hand up into a fist. “The greatest problem I have are the people within this village and the town next door. They all seem to be overprotective of the church and her. Many continue to believe she is a spirit haunting the church.

But as Spandman said,bthe moment he and the others tried to take control of the church the people were all willing to die. They all fought back against the government. Blackbeards created the diversion of a naval ship that carried supplies to explode. Everyone at that time concentrated on helping the sailors.

The church was unguarded by the people and so the Blackbeard pirates took that as an advantage. Even while I was helping I saw Sanji and Zoro leave the place heading back to the church.”

Hattori the pigeon lands on the table to watch Lucci speak his thoughts. “I chased after them and by that time you came along told me of Blackbeard.” Leaning in resting his arms on his thighs he served himself some whiskey. “Jabura was asleep underneath a tree till he too saw Sanji and Zoro run to the church and decided to chase them.

When I caught up with him and entered the church Sanji and Zoro were already battling the Blackbeard Pirates. But the moment we entered and I saw her against that piller. I felt complete utter rage. The world seemed to have lost its gravity and all I believed and thought of faded away.

That bastard hurt her and I couldn't allow him to live. Even right after battle that blond head tried to awake her. He took her within his arms and tried to flee with her. Take her away from me.”

Luccis hand shake and clears his throat chugging down the glass. Shattering the small glass within his hand he shakes off the shards and takes hold of the bottle. “Hattori head over to the church make sure she is okay.”

Hattori shakes his head and leaves through the open window.

“Could she be lying to me about the church? If she does piss me off I'll tear the church apart and hand it over to the government. And I will take her away she is mine.”


“Once more thank you and I am fine I swear.”

A hand reaches out to caress your cheek. “I swear I'm fine the church remains it's shelter.” The hand lingers on your cheek and finally departs away. Watching out from the window for a bit before closing it you close your eyes feeling miserable. You just lied to the people who have put their very faith into you.

“Am I willing to to lose everything for that man? A man who works for the government?”

Shaking your head you cover it with your palm wanting to understand, why?

Rob Lucci X Reader (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now