Simple life

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Putting the books away after the battles that have happened Jabura followed you around helping. His presence made you feel uneasy due to you still having some shyness. "You have been silent all day. What happened? Did cat bite your tongue."

The man laughs at his own joke but you seem not to show any caring. There were other things in your mind that were worth more of space. A sudden groan of pain stopped the wolf man from his laughter. Reaching to his side as if the source of pain was located behind his rib.

"Are you injured?" Stepping forward to the man with your hands close to your chest from concern of the man.

"May I see?" Reaching out to the man's shirt he pulls it up allowing you to see the bandaged wound colored red. "I'll be back, please sit and do not move."

Rushing to a pillar you disappear and come back with some supplies. While working on his wound the man watched you from the corner of his eye. The scars on your face,he can't understand why but it feels as if he should know about them. They seem familiar as if showing there is something much more of you than just a simple hidden nun.

"Where did you get those scars?"

The question made you stop healing him while a lie was being published in your mind. "I can't really remember how I got them, I've always had a mask on. But Blackbeard shattered it." Jabura hums softly not satisfied with your answer.

Lucci returned back only to be welcomed by your sweet laughter that filled his ears.

Hiding the flowers behind his back he stepped into the kitchen while you cooked. Hattori had a cup of tea and you watched amused on him adding sugar and stirring it.

"Such a clever boy aren't you?" Sliding the back of your finger on his neck he makes a small purr sound.

Lucci looks around the room for a bit setting the flowers down on the table followed with his hat. His tail grows out along with his ears. Sliding his arms around your waist you hear the strong purr. "Lucci." You say softly in comfort from having return back.

Despite the argument of the morning you were just happy he returned to you safely. "My Lucci." Turning back to hug him close, he pulls you in even tighter embracing you. "I'm sorry for how I was this morning. This is complicated for you and I understand."

Lucci won't admit the true reason why he appeared, but that's because he never thought of meeting you. Any excuse is worth being around you.

But having Jabura come over means the other members are close by. Lucci just left to go speak with them and have them not be concerned.

Speaking of Jabra. "Where is Jabura?" Lucci looks around the kitchen. "Oh he's gone off to collect some fruits behind the forest. He has been quite helpful around the church." Turning your attention back to the stove.  Lucci didn't like leaving you alone with Jabura and he certainly doesn't like hearing you continuing to praise him.

"I've had to change his bandages 3 times today because he's tried to help. The wood was cut by him a lot of the benches were moved back into place and he was very generous on helping me fix some of the damages." Covering your mouth letting out a small chuckle. "In all honesty he made me feel like a mother."

Lucci looks over to you hearing that. "Were you not?" Raising an eyebrow he now questions how young you are. "Well, I lost my vow but.." the tone in your voice lowers down.

Lucci's face melts in concern holding your waist he nuzzles the side of your face. Just to comfort whatever has happened to you, it's all a mystery just as he is a mystery to you.

But the sudden sound of the kitchen door slamming open stops him and all of his feline features disappeared. "Fucking DuCkS" Jabra says in a mocking tone as he settles down 4 of them. "Oh dear!" Rushing over you check his red bandages. "Boy! I told you not hurt yourself!" Tip toeing you pull on his ear and walk away with him. "Now I have to change and stitch them again!"

Jabra winces as he follows along being pulled down by the ear out of the kitchen. "Calm down lady! God you act like a mother I have never seen!"

Pulling on his ear more you shake your head in frustration. "Now you will not speak of the Lord like that neither. Now sit down monk and let me see the bandage." Jabra sighs sitting down raising his arm up while resting his chin in his palm. But he continues to watch you from the corner of his eye. For the years he has spent being a killer and seen as a monster who truly is more kind hearted compared to Lucci who is a blood thirsty man and sadistic.

Jabra is concerned for your safety afraid that Lucci might do something to manipulate or harm you. Jabra wont allow it to happen! You have maintained his wounds and treated him with the best of you abilities. It could be the dog part of him that has grown loyalty toward you or it could be himself who has grown from the kindness received by you. Whichever it is he will do his best on keeping you safe.

Lucci is much more powerful than him but hopefully Jabra can convince him on not harming you in anyway. The morning when Lucci held you to his chest Jabra did think a lot about his actions.

Could Lucci be trying to sway you in some way? Such a sweet kind woman as yourself whose been through a lot only to be fooled by someone like Lucci.

Jabra closes his eyes inhaling deeply hating to even think of that

Rob Lucci X Reader (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now