Chapter twelve

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Maya's POV

Once I picked my jeep up from where I parked it when I went to meet Will I drove back to my apartment. As I walked in I realised just how small it was compared to Wills and Kappy's, I would do anything for an apartment that size. I dumped my bag onto the side and hopped into the shower and sang along to whatever music came on the radio. After about 45 minutes of singing along and showering I got out and decided what to wear.

I decided on a pair of ripped jeans and my jersey (picture in header). I dried my hair and put a waterfall braid into it. My mind kept going back to the image of Will and Eliza kissing. I knew I shouldn't have let myself fall for him, I knew he would never like me back, I was just his best friend and nothing else. I wasn't even sure if we were best friends anymore.

When I was ready I saw it was only 3 so I had 2 more hours till Mitch came and picked me up. I turned onto Netflix and put friends on. Halfway into the second episode my phone began ringing, I saw it was my brother so I picked up and spoke to him for about an hour. As he lived in the U.K. I barely got to see him let alone speak to him. Growing up we were inseparable, whatever he did I did. When he decided he wanted to play hockey I did as well, we joined many teams together when we were younger then as we got older we chose our own teams. When he got offered the chance to play in the top league we were all so happy for him but nobody in the family really understood what it was like for him apart from me. I knew the feeling from when I was announced on the roster to play for GBs under 18s, so once we had a family party I took him to the rink and threw him a little party. After that we became even closer which is why we talk every week for hours, I told him everything about Will and he listened and understood.

After talking to my brother I saw it was quarter to five so I put my boots on and went outside. I sat on the steps leading up to the front door of the apartment block and scrolled through my social medias. After 15 minutes a text arrived at my phone saying look up so I did and saw Mitch sat in a Range Rover with a pretty blonde, she must be Steph. I saved Mitch's number into my phone as Mitchy and headed towards the car. I opened the passenger seat door in the back and stepped in.

"Hey Mitch, hey Steph it's nice to meet you" I said greeting them both.

Steph looked over her shoulder and smiled at me. "I love your accent and you are so beautiful"

"Aw, thank you, you are so pretty as well and your accent is beautiful as well" I said smiling back at her.

"Mitch, thank you for introducing Maya into my life" Steph said laughing but looking deadly serious.

"You can thank Will for meeting her all those years ago"

After a drive full of laughter we arrived at the scotiabank arena.

"Right girls, you have a great evening and I will see you after the game" He gave Steph a small kiss and began to walk off.

"Kick ass tonight Mitchy"

He laughed and shouted "Will do" and walked off.

I turned to Steph and saw she was already walking towards the exit.

"I'm guessing we are going to get food" I said as I caught up to her.

"Oh yeah, I always do before the game, it's too busy here. Sorry for walking off, I must seem really rude, it's just what I do" she smiled apologetically.

"It's ok, i know what you mean aswell, it's so busy, but the pizza is amazing" I looked over and saw that she was nodding in agreement.

"One of the best" She smiled. "Where do you want to go?"

"I don't really know" I said while looking around. "How about there?" I suuggested pointing towards a bar called The Bottom Line.

"Hmm, that looks good" She said as she looked to where I was pointing. "Lets try it" She grabbed my arm and began pulling me towards it.

I laughed and followed behind her. I could tell we were going to be good friends.

We both ordered burgers and a side of poutine. As we ate we spoke about all things hockey and how I got to know the boys. She told me her story about meeting Mitch and what she did for a living. At 6 we walked back to the arena and got ready to support the boys. Our seats were right by the glass where the maple leafs were warming up.

"Mitch got us good ticket, eh?" Steph said to me smiling.

"These are amazing tickets, better than I could ever afford" I aggreed.

As we were talking, Mitch and Will skated up to the glass and hit it as hard as they could making both me and Steph jump out of our seats and scream a little. As we recovered from the shock the boys were in fits of laughter. I gave them a sarcastic laugh before turning to Steph to see her drink had spilt all over her and began laughing. I grabbed some tissues from my bag and helped her clean up.

"I can't belive they did that" She said acting angry but clearly she found it as funny as the rest of us. "I'm going to buy myself another drink, will you be ok?"

"I'll be fine" I said before turning my attention back to the ice.

I saw William skating towards me with a stick in his hand. Yes I know they always have sticks in their hand but he had an extra one. He pointed to the little girl next to me and chucked over the stick. I grabbed it and tapped the girl on the shoulder.

She turned around and saw what I had in my hand, her smile widened.

"Will wanted to give this to you"

She looked at me in disbelief and began jumping up and down as the news sunk in.

"You know, he's my favourite player"

I smiled as I handed her the stick. "really, what's your name, i'll tell him that you're his biggest fan"

"My names Clara, could you also tell him that he inspired me to play hockey"

"Of course" She turned round to show her parents the gift she had just recieved.

After her parents thanking me I looked down at my phone to see a text from my brother.

Benny 😎
Guess who scored the game winning goal tonight.
Hmmm, I'm guessing Dowdy
Benny 😎
Nope, me I did, first goal of the season
Maya 😜
I'm so proud of you Benny
Benny 😎
Anyway that's not why I text you
Oh god there's more
Benny 😎
Well, I need you to come home
Maya 😜
Benny 😎
We have news to tell you but you have to be here
Maya 😜
Ben, I don't know when I can come home, I have a pretty busy schedule
Benny 😎
Just think about it

What was I suppose to do, I couldn't just leave my life behind to go and see my brother. The university would never allow it, Casey would probably never allow it, but then again she has always wanted to go to the UK.

For anyone wanting to know who dowdy is and who Maya's sister plays for, he plays for the Sheffield Steelers. They are actual players who I decided to base this on so if you want to know more about them just let me know.

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