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"Fucking cancer sticks," Jonah spat as he tossed his used cigar onto the ground and roughly stomped over it with his foot.
He then swung the door of the coffee shop open and was soon hit with a strong sent of ground coffee beans and vanilla.

"Back again I see," a voice called from behind the counter.

"Yah Keri, you already know," He replied with a bored tone.

"I still don't understand why a sweet boy like you gets up every morning and rushes out of his dorm like it's infested, to come here before I even open"

Jonah simply sighed and went back to staring at the picture nailed onto the wall of the far end of the shop. Keri brought up a fair point, his roommates Eben and Corbyn were one of the sweetest couples you would ever meet. There was Jonah's problem, he envied them.

Jonah was never one to warm up fast he was a walking disaster. He's never been in a relationship, damn he's never even had a best friend.

He fucked random girls when he felt like it, but he wasn't straight. He was scared of change, scared of love. He'd never say it though. He'd just keep walking In the dark shadow he basically threw over him self.


Keri now sat across from him with her hands crossed on the table in front of her. "I know the summer is coming up and I was wondering if you wanted to work here over the break again."

"That would be great." He spoke already craving another cigarette.

"Wonderful my son is coming down for the holiday, I think you two will get along rather well." She spoke with more life in her voice then Jonah had heard in quite a while

"Keri, you know how I am with people. I cant stand social interactions with basically anyone. Not even two guys the I've been living with for the past year, for fucks sake, I'm so lost." He grunted throwing his head on top his crossed arms on the table.

"You need to be found soon enough Jonah, give it some time."

"I've given it 21 fucking years, twenty-one!"

"It simply takes some of us longer than other, but don't give up and you will be found just always have an open heart."

Having and open heart or mind was something Jonah was never used to. He was used to closing away with a box of cancer sticks, a lighter, and only himself just letting time tick away.

"What's your sons name again?" Jonah asked boredom threaded in his voice.



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