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This chapter does contain some harder topics like abuse if u are not okay with that you may want to skip this chapter!

Jonah knocked lightly on Jack's door, it was slightly opened by the younger boy that had tears pooled in his eyes. "hey I'm sorry Jack, I really didn't mean it I'm just bad at watching my mouth and what I say. You the first person I've talked to without being completely harsh to for a while." the older explained, hoping for forgiveness. "It's fine Jo, it's just u reminded me of my ex, he used to say things like that and sometimes even worse, he used to make me feel like shit but I never left him till now. I'm scared." his voice quite voice trembling on what the older boy might think.

Jonah then did what no one would expect someone like him to. He scooped the younger one into his hands and holding him in a hug. tears soaked into his shirt, he lifted the curly haired boy and placed him on the bed, still holding him in his arms. "Why are you helping me?" the younger suddenly spoke up. "Cause you reminded me of myself." That's all was said before the continued silence. "Are we going to eat that pizza?" the younger one asked. "Yeah, do you want me to microwave it and call you when it's done?" Jack nodded before hesitantly removing himself from Jonah.

Jonah was setting down the plates when jack appeared in the kitchen his hair tied up into a bun. "You still down to watch a movie?" Jack smiled slightly, "I'm not really in the mood maybe another day." Jonah nodded in response opening the pizza box and grabbing a couple of slices. Jack following as they both took a seat on a stool around the counter. There was silence again but it was never awkward. "I was homeless too for a while." this causes the younger boy's head to snap up and meet the elder's eyes.

"I wasn't kicked out, but not exactly excepted, my parents cut me off didn't talk to me but gave me money and that's about it, just cause I didn't only like girls," his voice was mainly a whisper. "I miss my sister, we used to be super close before I came out, and it wasn't even my choice to come ou." Jack listens slightly running his finger over the other boy's hand from across the table.  "I'm sorry Jonah, have tried calling any of them again?"


"Why not." The younger boy asked gently. "I'm scared Jack, what if nothing changed, r if it got worse. I tried calling my sister, she never picked up, I didn't think she had a problem with me being bi but I guess I was wrong."

"Have you tried actually meeting them?"

"No, I would be absolutely terrified." the older explained. "You should try to it may help things more than one phone call ever could," Jack said lightly. "This might be more personal but you said coming out wasn't exactly your choice, what happened?"

Jonah was extremely hesitant to answer this it was a pretty touchy topic for the boy, and he hadn't told anyone the story. "You don't have to tell me yet if you are not ready." the younger boy added quickly realizing jonah hesitation. "no it's fine, I just have never talked about it to anyone else before." the older admitted.

"He was my first boyfriend, he was already too out to everyone and wanted me to be too, so he made it happen. He knew my parents were homophobic and didn't care.  So one day when I told him not to come over he did. My parents were home and when they asked him who he was he replied my boyfriend. I told n-not to he di-didn't listen, and he didn't c-care. A year later he abused me used me for sex then moved on, left me with a few guys that fucked me however they wished and left me, I never got a break. I had bruises on my body for weeks, I was a wreck, no one helped me when I needed it most. That turned me into someone who loved the feeling of cut wrists and blood following down my hand, cause I had nothing better to look for forward to. I couldn't let that happen to you. People can pick u up on the streets and you can do nothing about it, you get too tired to fight back and just surrender to their shitty ways." Jonah was in tears now, same with the younger boy, tears were cascading down both their faces at rapid pages.

the pizza left on the counter forgotten, and Jack walked around the small counter and held Jonah against him. "We should get some sleep, we both need it." the older abruptly whispered. "Do u have work tomorrow?" Jack asked his voice still quiet. "Ya, you can stay here or tag along if u would like." Jack nodded, "I think I'll just stay here." He spoke.

Jack released Jonah from the hug as they both made their way to the end of the hallway where jonah's room was. "You take the bed I'll take the air mattress," Jonah said. "No it's okay, it's your house, you should-". He was immediately cut off by the tired look Jonah gave him, he really didn't want to argue today so Jack simply shook his head and agreed with the older boy.

They both layer down but neither actually falling asleep. "Jonah." the younger whispered wondering if the older was still up. "Yes, Jack."

"Do you still cut?" Jack was scared to hear the answer he wanted to believe that no one would ever go as far as self-harm, but that wasn't real. "Yes." Jonah had never admitted this to anyone. "Why?"

"Cause im useless, loveless, there is no point no one likes me, Jack, even I'm not sure I like me." His voice was cracking and soft. "You've been more kind to me than anyone has in a while. Call me every time u feel the urge, it's really dangerous and I don't want anything to happen to you, Jo. Just always remember that." That was the last thing said before both boys lay still, and awake in the silence waiting for sleep to overtake them.

THAT WAS 1076 WORDS YEET. Okay also i hate my best friend cause she texts me telling me she's moving as a late April fools joke, I was so sad :( Also the only reason I even kinda want to go back to school tmrw is so i can see the person I like even though I only have one class with them, and literally never talk to them, but THAT'S ALRIGHT :)

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