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"his name is Zach and he's not my boyfriend"

"whatever what did you want to do anyway."

"smoke, watch something?"

"you could have done that at home you know."

"Ya, but then I would have had no one to talk about the hot guys on the screen with."

"How do you even know I'm gay?" Jonah spoke a slight bit of sass layered in his voice.

"It's honestly not hard to tell. Especially when you basically started drooling looking at me today."

"That's nothing and I wasn't drooling looking at ur ugly ass," Jonah replied quite harshly.

"whatever Jonah." Daniel scoffed, even though he was used to these teasing comments sometimes they hurt. he used to be very self-conscious and his noticeable tooth gap and skinny body never helped him feel any better about it. But the wave of sadness that washed over Daniel's eyes was easily noticed by Jonah.

"Listen, pretty boy, you not ugly, annoying very, but not ugly."

"That's such a gay thing to say don't you think." Daniel answered humor quickly coming back into his voice.

"N,o i don't think, every heard of complimenting someone?"

"yes, but straight guys don't stare me down, or mention my "boyfriend" with a scoff every time, and compliment another guys looks for no exact reason."

"that doesn't mean anything daniel your just seeing thing."

"oh so i'm just seeing things now." daniel stood from the couch moving closer to jonah his chest. his breath hitting the other boys face. His lips hoverd over the other boys ear, "Straight boys dont shake when another guy whispers into their ear, Jo".

He lightly bit on the tip of the other boy ear, trailing small kisses down his defined jaw bone and down to his neck.

Jonah's hands quickly placed themselves on the other boys waist, unconcously pulling him closer. Daniel set one hand on the older boys left cheek and another around his neck.

Jonah then had enough of the small neck kisses that the smaller one was leaving, some sure to turn into a mark. he jooked his finger under the other boys chin slowly raining up his face. his lips hovering overther the blue eyed boys ones.

"Is this okay?" Jonah didnt understand why he asked. After al,l it was the smaller boys who had made the first move, but he still felt some protectiveness over the other and wanted to make sure the younger was tottal conforable with everything he was doing.

"Yeah" the brunnet breathed.

in less than a second Jonah's lips had found the other boys . the last time he had kissed someone had to be more than a year ago, but with Daniel, it didnt feel like that.

It took about a minute but they seperated, both in the need for some air.

daniel quickly took a step back, creating alittle more space between the two.

"Now, what were you saying about being straight?"

"Nothing, now i think you should leave." his voice going hard.

"You kissed me now you want me to leave?" came out a little more quiter than he would have liked.

"Thats what I said isn't it?" his voice was no longer calm just harsh.

"your an asshole you know." his voice now louder from the anger that had built up in him.

"Thanks, i try, now i'll unfortunatly see you on tomorrow, bye."

Daniel stood there, yes he was used to one night stands but he never just left with a kiss, especially not from someone he saw everyday.

"See you tomorrw" he didn't think he could keep his voice steady for much longer.

He turned and quickly strode out into the rain. by the time he managed to open his broken car's door, he was already completly soaked.

This was the first time someone had told him to leave. Was he not good enough for Jonah. Was he good enough for anyone when they weren't drunk or high?

The last time he had been in a relashionship had been about a year and a half ago. He missed the small i love yous. even though that only lasted for about half a year, till it all fell apart.

He sat there staring at his reflection in the glass, damn was he pathetic. He should learn to be more like Jonah, not need love, not crave for it every single second of the day. His eyes began to water and tears began to spill before he even undertood why.

He didnt like jonah especially all the insecurites he made him feel more in the last 10 minutes than anyone had in the last year. and it hurt, so he decided to do one thing he knew how to do.

Make someone jealous.

he picked up his phone and called the last contact on the alphebeticle list.

after accouple rings, someone picked up.

"Hey Z, wanna come over to the shop tomorrow?"

This is the longest chapter I've written so far, A WHOLE 828 WORDS BITCHES!

also this is A.N. I don't read anyone else's so I don't really expect you to read this but guess who finally texted my crush for the first to ask for a picture of a HW thing even though i already had it (ME), ya that seemsz bit extra but let me live, i would have no reason to text them otherwise so... lmao, okay BYE!

(TURNED OUT TO BE OVER 900 WITH THE A.N. SO HAHA) that was mainly for wdwlimelightherron

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