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Jack had stayed at the shop for a good 4-5 hours, his eyes barely staying open. He gave up trying to stay awake and just decided to crash at an empty booth along the side of the cafe. About another hour had gone by and Jonah approached the small boy.

"Hey, I think we should head home now," Jonah whispered as he slowly shook the sleeping boy awake. Jack awoke started at the sudden movement but once he comprehended what Jonah was saying, he nodded and followed behind the older boy.

They walked into the shop parking lot that only held one small black car. Daniel had left as soon as he had finished cleaning not wanting to spend any extra unnecessary time with Jonah. Once Jonah and Jack had gotten into the car, the older started it and they drove in awkward silence for about 15 minutes till they found themselves parked near a tall building.

"Um so this is my place, come on." Jonah got out of the car and helped grab the other boys backpack that was all Jack had when he arrived at the store earlier. They trod up the stairs leading to the building and Jonah pushed the elevator button, and it opened almost immediately. "I live on the 16th floor, by the way."

They arrived on the floor that jonah's apartment is on and walked quietly to the door, neither of them were big talkers anyway so it didn't really matter. Jonah pushed open the door that revealed his small shared apartment.

Jack looked around the apartment he viewed as pretty large, the walls were all painted in white with black furniture around to contrast it. It smelled lightly of cigarettes, which he didn't really mind, he was thankful for all Jonah was doing for him although he didn't know how long this would last.

"Thank you again for this," he whispered to the older boy. "It's not a problem at all, we will be sharing a room though, I hope you don't mind. "That's fine." Jonah walked them through a hallway passing Corbyn and Ebens room and lead them into a room at the end of the hall. "You can shower real quick if you'd like, ill bring in some of my clothes I've grown out of while you're in there," Jonah suggested.

"Are you calling me short." Jack retorted jokingly. "Um... no, that not what i-. I was just." Jonah scratched the back of his neck not sure what to respond. "I'm joking with you Jonah, but ya that sounds perfect thanks." Jacks voice was still not very loud, but the laugh that came with it put a smile on Jonah's face.

A couple of minutes had passed and Jonah now heard the water running from the shower. he walked in and place one of his old hoodie and a pair of sweats down onto the sink counter. While Jack was still in the shower Jonah set up a small bed on the floor with a leftover air mattress and extra mattresses. Just as he was finishing up jack exited the bathroom the hoddie jonah though was tiny and would fit the boy was still oversized on him.

Jonah chuckled at the younger boy, making jack crack a smile, "Listen its not my fault ur a fucking giant." jack responds. "Whatever short stack, but anyway do u want pizza?" he asked. "That would be great. can we get pineapple on it?" he asked, making puppy dog eyes.

"No way, pineapple DOES NOT belong on pizza, the juice melt right into the cheese and that is absolutely disgusting." the oldest scrunching up at the thought. "But that makes it so good, it's sweet and savory, I just never know why people hate on it so much, please?" Jack knew he was still only a guest at jonah's place, but he felt comfortable around the older already but still didn't really want to take up his money. "I'll do half and half." Jonah settled.
"Okay," Jack smiled. "You can pick a movie if you want, I'm not really sure what movie we even have here," Jonah said pointing to the cd disk case that was rested on the table.

"You actually still use CDs, ever heard of Netflix?" Jack laughed. "You can't really say much living on the street with no tv." Jonah rolled his eyes. Jack stopped smiling and stared blankly back at the older boy. "Shit I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that." Jonah was still not good with feeling and filtering out what he should or should not say. "Its fine Jonah, but I think I'm going to the room for now." 

"Shortstack, I'm sorry I really didn't, I'm just still bad with handling other peoples emotions and-" Jonah rambled only to be cut off by the younger boy. "Its fine Jonah but I really just want to go to the room right now, call me when the pizza gets here."  Jack turns away and walks towards the room while Jonah calls for the pizza, still remembering to make it half pineapple. 

In 25 minutes there is a knock at the door, The older boy grabs his wallet making his way to the door to pick up the pizza. "Um...Hey, Jonah right." He looks up to be met with Zach, he really wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone right now, he just really needed to apologize to the curly haired boy. So he simply nodded grabbing the pizza and handing over the dollar bills to Zach. "JACK PIZZA'S HERE." he yelled before shutting the door on the youngest brunettes face.  


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