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As Daniel walked behind the register, he was met with another brunette a couple inches shorter than him.

"What can i get for you today gorgeous." Daniel asked, causing the other to blush slightly at the statement.

"A hot chocolate please."

"Anything else" Daniel spoke making the younger look up at his eyes, where he froze a second to take the other in.

"No i think that's all, thank you."

"I'll have your order ready in a minute." Daniel winked as he walked back to the kitchen area and quickly swept together a hot chocolate.

"Shit I forgot to ask for his name" Daniel mumbled to himself.

As he stepped behind the counter he saw the other boy a earshot away and simply yelled out, "Hey gorgeous."

The younger looked up and quickly walked up to Daniel again with a blush coating his naturally red cheeks.

"Thank you"

"Not a problem"

As the younger turned to leave Daniel quickly called out to him again

"Wait," he scribbled his number on a napkin before handing it to the other boy "text me." The shorter smiled quickly before quietly chuckling.

"I never got your name, im Zach by the way. With and H not a K."

"Im Daniel, but i think I'll stick to calling you gorgeous."

"Are you doing anything right now?" Zach mumbled, looking round the basically empty coffee shop, as the morning office crowd had basically all left.

"No not anymore" Daniel replies with a smirk on his face.

"Good, join me?"

"100% gorgeous" he quickly then threw the apron on the counter, jumping over it and landing extremely close to the other boy.

"Your even more beautiful up close" Daniel whispered his hot breath hitting the smaller's ear, as he stood there speechless and gawking at the older. Daniel then abruptly grabbed Zach's hand and pulled him to the booth that was towards the corner of the small cafe.

"So tell me bout your self."

"I'm 19, from Texas, play the guitar, sing, and go to collage right down the block at Williamette, how bout you?"

"Hm play more than 10 instruments, sing as a hobby, and i go to school in UCLA but flew down to see my family this summer, and I'm 21."

Zach nodded as he went back to sipping on his hot chocolate creating one of the cutest milk mustaches. Daniel let out a chuckle, causing Zach to shoot him a questioning look.

"You've got something on you lip."

Daniel reaches over the table running his thumb over the younger boys lip and moving his face slightly closer to the other's.

"Thanks" Zach whispered clearly flustered. His face flushed for what seemed like the 100th time that day.

"Hmm" Daniel grumbled his hand still not moved, and his eyes still focused on the younger's lips. Daniel was more of a player but the boy that sat across from him seemed too innocent and pure for Daniel to kiss right away. To Daniels surprise the boy moved even closer and just as he was about to lay his lips on the others a booming voice rang through the basically empty shop.

"DANIEL," Jonah was storming toward the table where he sat a small glare rested on his face "YOUR STILL ON THE CLOCK, YOUR GETTING PAYED FOR DOING THIS SHIT I NEED HELP IN THE BACK LETS GO." Jonah seemed clearly flustered and mad.

"Chill Jo, i took a small break no one died."

"Whatever, just get your ass up away from your boyfriend and help me in the back."

Alright give me a minute," Daniel answered making the older turn his back and walk towards the kitchen.

"Well bye gorgeous," he quickly kissed Zach's head and cheek before going the same direction Jonah had just stormed off to.

"Daniel this is a job I understand your mom owns the fucking cafe but you need to stay and help, instead of going to talk to you underage boyfriend," Jonah grumbled he was irritated but he couldn't place why.

But in Daniel's Head the only thing going through it was Jonahs hair and how ruffled up it looked and damn he looked hot when he was mad.

Daniel just about managed to mumble out, "He's not underaged."

This was almost 700 words 😂.

-also this chapter is for limelightdannyboi probably the most dedicated zaniel shipper I've ever met

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-also this chapter is for limelightdannyboi probably the most dedicated zaniel shipper I've ever met.Love you  🖤

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