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ZacH 🖤
Hey, can i come over i'm bored

Sure i guess, i'm staying
at my parents sore apartment closer to the city , let
share my location real

ZacH 🖤
Mkay, c u soon.

zach arrived at the older boys apartment 20 minutes later, after changing out of his pizza company's gross uniform. "Hi," Daniel spoke once seeing Zach. "Hey, sorry i just got really bored plus my roommate brought another one of his girls home, and there is no way i can sleep through that." Zach said rolling his eyes and stepping into the older boys apartment.

Zach took a quick look around Daniels's apartment. There was an L shaped black couch sat on one end of the room while the TV stood directly opposite to it. It had a feint smell of cigarette smoke, but Zach didn't question it. He didn't think Daniel smoked.

"So, do you want to watch a movie?" Zach shook his head in reply he now found himself pretty self-conscious, worried he'd make a fool of himself.

"You can pick one, I'll meet you in the living room, Carmel or buttered popcorn?" Daniel asked hoping to get the other boy to speak up. "Carmel." Zach squeaked out. "The movies are in there." Daniel pointed to a small black box place near the tv.

Zach made his way over and grinned when he saw the Lion King, grabbing and putting it into the disk player. Soon they were both on the couch. Daniels arm slightly around Zach's waist. pulling the younger boy closer.

"Hey, do you know who Jack is?" The brown-eyed boy asked all of a sudden. "No, why do you ask?"
daniel replied. "I don't know I just saw a guy that went by the name of Jack at his house, sorry it doesn't really matter." Daniel suddenly felt an immediate urge to find out who Jack was. "I'll ask him tomorrow when I see him at the cafe." He answered.

Zach left after the movie was over, of course not without giving Daniel a kiss on the cheek though.

The next day Daniel woke up not wanting to do anything, he felt tired and sick to his stomach, but he still didn't want to call in. He drove to work in a shitty mood and tumbled out of his car.

The lights were surprisingly already on, he usually always arrived before Jonah, but today wasn't it.

He made his way into the back room to be met with Jonah with his back faced towards the coffee grinder.

"Hey." the older boy spoke with his back still facing the other. The other grumbled in response making his way over to make some dough. Time went by daniel barley standing, he still felt terrible. "I'm gonna open up," Jonah mumbled making his way to the door. In less than a couple minutes the store started filling up. The clatter of cups and scraping of chairs did not help the blue-eyed boy. Barely minutes had passed when Jonah had come back only be met with the tired eyes of the blue-eyed boy. He looked sick now that he got a chance to actually look at the other boy.

"Are you okay Daniel?" the older questioned, no matter how awkward it was between the two he still cared for the other although he would never admit it. "Um, ya I've just been feeling kinda under the weather this morning," he whispered back. Jonah took a couple of steps towards Daniel placing his hand on the other boy's forehead. "Your burning up Daniel, you shouldn't be here it's not good for you!"

"It's okay I promise, it's not that bad." the younger lied barely able to keep his eyes open or stand. "Take a seat, I'm asking you home right after rush hour," Jonah spoke. "I'm fine, I can work I can also dr-". "No, you can barely keep your eyes open I'm not letting you drive. Sit." The older demanded, stopping all on daniel's arguments.

Daniel had fallen asleep his head rested on the counter when Jonah had come back to get him. The older stepped closer gently shaking the other awake. "Hey, Daniel we need to get going before Lunch hour passes by." He whispered no wanting to make the younger boys headache any worse.

Daniel sorely stumbled out of the chair his eyes still half closed and lightly clung to jonah's arm. Jonah leads them to his car that was parked right alongside the small building. "Where's your apartment?" "The 7 hills building." Jonah nodded but was surprised, that the building was one of the richest ones in town why Daniel needed to work at the coffee shop if he could afford a place like that he didn't understand.

Daniel lightly turned on the radio before resting his head on the window, small snores coming out of him after a couple of minutes. the drive only took about 10 minutes, Jonah carefully parked the car in one of the guest areas, not sure where exactly to go. The sudden stop to the music seemed to wake up the ocean eyed boy.

Daniel stirred awake, his eyesight being blinded for a couple of minutes by the sudden glare of the sunshine that passed through the window. "Oh, thanks for driving me," he spoke while opening the car door and stepping out, he had only dragged his feet a couple of steps till he heard the sound of a car door open and lock. "You don't look so good I'm taking you up to your apartment before I leave i want to make sure your okay."

"I'm fine I swe-" Daniel didn't finish as he almost fell over by simply tripping over a small crack in the road. "Nope." Jonah insisted only earning a nod from the shorter brunette. The walk was longer than usual since the guest entrance was farther away than the normal parking is for the actual residents. Daniel didn't mind, there was something calming about walking next to Jonah even though his head basically pounded in is head the complete time. He lead the older boy into a packed elevator, for such a nice building you would think they could afford to have more than a couple on each side available.

When the elevator reached the 19th floor Daniel unconsciously grabbed the older boys hand pulling him out of the elevator throwing a quick apology to a man when he slightly stomped on his Gucci shoe, only getting a huff from the other man. Daniel took the right as soon as they got out of the elevator and not speaking until he heard the elevator close.

"I may or may not have stepped on that dude's shoes on purpose." Earning a small smirk and questioning glance to grow on Jonah. "He's an asshole, got my cello banned from the building, plus his shoes look like shit anyway. matches his personality at least." Jonah let out a chuckle "Your too much you basically fell and are sick as hell but manage to step on that dude's shoes anyway, I love that about you." It took a moment for both of them to understand what was just said. "Listen I-"

Haha, that was it thx u for reading love u guys bye! also supper sorry for how long it took me to update again I just wasn't feeling it for a while im I was super tired from track and shit. AGAIN THX IF UR STILL READING THIS PIECE OF CRAP BYE!

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