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Lin's POV

I sat in the little room waiting for Scarlett to finish her dance lesson. Pippa had added Saturday lessons to her schedule so that was always nice. At least for Scarlett. Not for me. I had to wait for two hours for her to be done.

"Hi." Scarlett mumbled when she finished her lesson.

"She's a bit upset.. She missed her mark." The instructor frowned.

"Oh." I was surprised, Scarlett usually never missed.

"I understand everything she's going through... But both Phillipa and Scarlett assured me it was all okay. I believe she needs a break... A break from everything." Her instructor whispered.

"Believe me. I've barked up that tree for a long time.." I sighed. "Thank you." I said before leaving. Scarlett changed her shoes and threw on her top clothes before heading out into the streets with me.

"I don't want to talk about it." She mumbled as we walked together.

"At least hold my hand so you dont get kidnapped." I frowned at her. She held my hand as we walked towards the subway. Pippa had reassured me that it was safe for her as long as she held my hand.

"Mommy says I have an unfair head start." She muttered.

"In what?" I asked her. She shrugged her shoulders and looked down at the dirty floor. Unfair head start? What the heck was that supposed to mean?

The weekend came and went, I decided to ask Pippa what she had meant about that head start. I waited with Scarlett as I knocked on her door.

"Hey." Pippa answered quickly. "Scarlett hurry and change. You're staying with Renee tonight." She told our kid. "Thanks."

"Uh.. Why all dressed up?" I asked her.

"I have an event tonight. Showcase for the students." She muttered. "If you want to talk please come in so I can get ready at the same time." She quickly said. I nodded and took a step in. Seeing her entire apartment was different. It was so minimalist. Minus all of the pictures and toys for Scarlett.

"So... I wanted to ask you, Scarlett was talking about an unfair head start the other day." I started.

"Oh so she heard." She sighed.

"Yeah... What's that all about?" I asked.

"She wants to be on broadway Lin. Once the world knows that we're her parents... Well she'll have a very huge unfair head start." She frowned. "We started without knowing anyone or knowing more than the next person about our professions. She knows everyone and so much more." She continued.

"You can't hide who your parents are?" I chuckled. "You did it."

"My parents aren't well know. Only my dad and only in the medical field." She corrected. "Your parents are politicians so in your face." She chuckled. I heard a rapid knocking on her front door and looked at her. "Oh... oh no... I forgot..." Pippa muttered to herself while pulling her hair into a bun.

"Who is it?" I asked her.

"Scarlett can you answer the door?" Pippa called out. I watched Scarlett run down the hall and to the front door. She opened the door and let out a squeal.

"Mommy! She's here!" Scarlett grinned.

"I'm so sorry. I forgot you were coming." Pippa shouted. I looked over to see a very tall woman standing in the little entry way.

"Is there something going on? I can reschedule." She chuckled.

"Actually... Yeah... I'm so sorry." Pippa frowned.

"But... You promised." Scarlett frowned.

"Scarlett, it's not like I'm gone forever." The woman frowned. I watched her get down to her height and start talking to her quietly.

"Who is that?" I whispered.

"A good friend of mine. She's going to be teaching Scarlett how to act proper." She explained while doing her makeup.

"Proper?" I questioned.

"But why can't I just go with you?" Scarlett frowned. I looked back to see the woman lift up Scarlett and carry her on her hip while walking in.

"She does make a valid point Pip." The woman sighed. "I could take her for the night."

"When do you go back?" Pippa asked.

"Three days." The two talked for a little while longer, both of them ignoring me for a bit until Scarlett let out a squeal and giggles.

"I get to spend the night with auntie!" She beamed while running into her room.

"Who is this?" The woman asked me.

"Oh, Scarlett's real dad. Lin." Pippa said quickly.

"Oh. Such a pleasure to meet you. I'm a close friend of Pip." She smiled at me.

"I see that." I chuckled. "And you are..?" I asked hoping for a name.

"Ashley." She smiled. "I'll help the little mouse pack." She said quickly to Pippa.

"So like debutant stuff?" I asked.

"Ashley was brought up in England. She went to an all girls school. She would be able to teach Scarlett how to properly behave." She shrugged.

I decided to not fight it, since Pippa seemed to know what she was doing all the time. Scarlett was very well behaved at my house and I assumed it was because of these little lessons.

But why at this age?

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