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Pippa's POV

I watched Scarlett as she danced through the little door. She looked adorable in her leotard and shorts. I didn't bother with a tutu since she didn't care for it much. But she loved ballet. She of course loved tap as well. Only because it made so much noise.

"Pippa, so nice to see you again." One of the older moms fake smiled at me. She had told me that I was the only young mom and it made everyone uncomfortable. Doubted it since they were all really nice to me.

"Oh my gosh Jackie. Just look at you." I forced a smile. She honestly looked terrible. Wearing way too much makeup to attempt to cover her now forming wrinkles.

"I know. I'm doing great on this diet." She boasted. I nodded slowly, just letting her talk at this point. She was honestly really annoying but her daughter and Scarlett got along so well. I had to be nice.

"Mommy!" A few girls shouted while running towards their mothers. Scarlett gathered her things quietly and walked over towards me.

"Hello." She smiled.

"Hey sweetie." I laughed. She was always very different from those girls.

"Pippa! Same time tomorrow?" Her instructor called.

"Yes!" I shouted back.

"What does she mean?" Scarlett's friend asked.

"I take extra lessons during the week so I can be good at dancing." Scarlett smiled. Her little friend let out a gasp and looked towards her mother in hopes she would sign her up for extra lessons.

"Just gotta make your daughter better huh?" Jackie whispered.

"I'll do anything for my daughter." I said before leaving the studio. 

As the days went on, I saw fewer and fewer girls interacting with Scarlett. It made her upset seeing all the girls huddled away from her. I looked over at Jackie, seeing her smirking with her group of moms. That's when it all hit me. She was telling these mothers lies about Scarlett just for her daughter to have the friends. 

"I'm so sorry.." I whispered to Scarlett's instructor. "I'm going to take Scarlett out of this program." I sighed. 

"She's one of the best little dancers I've ever had Pippa. I hope you continue her lessons elsewhere." She gave me a sympathetic smile, letting me know that everything was going to be okay. 

"I will. One where she can dance without the influence of parents." I gave a soft chuckle, knowing she knew exactly who I was talking about. 

It didn't take long for me to find a new dance school for Scarlett. It was actually closer, and had a bunch of broadway veteran parents. Their kids were bound to love Scarlett. I wasn't doing it to rub elbows, but just to have parents who understood what she would be going through. 

She made fast friends, all of them giggling and entertaining each other when they had little breaks. I noticed that they were all like Scarlett. Very poised and well brought up. Even for their young ages. Mothers recognized me, and were polite, even talked about other things like mothers should. 

"Oh little Ryan was being an absolute pest the other day." One of the mothers sighed. "He demanded I give him peanut butter instead of a ham sandwich for school." She frowned. 

"Is he allergic?" I asked. 

"Highly. The poor thing always forgets." She chuckled. I felt more comfortable with these women than the ones at the other school. Scarlett seemed to have much more fun here anyway. 

Lin's POV

I hated taking Scarlett to her lessons, but it made her happy. The only thing that was great about this new school was that I could be myself and people didn't care. Partly because they already knew who I was, so it was a plus. 

I watched Scarlett dance with the other girls and begin twirling with them. I smiled at her and gave a little wave. She gave me a big smile and continued to follow the instructor. As they leaped in the air, I couldn't help but see her on stage doing Swan Lake or something else that was huge in ballet. She was so graceful. Until she leaped again, and fell over. 

"Oh no." I gasped. 

"Owie!" Scarlett cried. 

"It's okay, it's okay." The instructor soothed. I watched a few kids gather around her to help her up. She limped her way towards the parents and they sat her down near the entrance. "It looks like a sprained ankle..." The instructor frowned. 

"Oh no." I repeated. Pippa was going to kill me. 

"Just wrap it, ice it, and keep it elevated. If you want to be completely safe, you can take her to a doctor and they'll make sure she's fine.

"Okay, thank you." I quickly gathered Scarlett's things and carried her out to the car. Thank goodness we drove today. I had no idea what I would do if I hadn't. 

After a quick trip to Urgent Care and a pair of crutches later, we were home and dealing with Pippa's frantic phone calls. I handed the phone to Scarlett, letting her talk. 

"No Mommy. I'm fine." She sighed. "I just didn't land right." She frowned. I could tell she was on the verge of tears. "I'll be okay mommy." She sniffed. "I love you too." She handed the phone back to me and I walked down the hall back to the living room. 

"Hey." I sighed. "Look, I'm sorry... But she's really upset..." I couldn't help but feel bad for the little kid. 

"It's fine... It happens. I told her that, but obviously she feels like it's the end of the world right now." She started. "I can't even count how many times I sprained or rolled an ankle while dancing. It just happens." She sighed. "Just make sure she knows that once she's all healed she can keep dancing. It isn't the end yet. She's got a long way to go." Pippa chuckled. 

"Yeah, especially if she wants to be a performer. She's gotta learn." I shrugged my shoulders while looking down at the mail pile on the table. "Is she still taking those proper living lessons from your friend?" I asked. 

"Yeah, why?" She answered. 

"Just curious. She held herself together at the studio instead of breaking down in tears like most kids would." I shrugged. 

"Surprising." Pippa laughed. "Anyway, I better go. I have to get ready." 

"Ready for what?" I inquired.

"I have a date tonight... Jasmine and Renee set me up with a friend of theirs. I figure I might as well get back out there. It's been two years now..." She sighed. 

"You shouldn't go if you aren't ready..." I immediately blurted out. I didn't know what had come over me. Was I jealous? 

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