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Pippa's POV

I woke up the next morning with a migraine. My eyes stung and felt dry from crying all night. I sat myself up and checked my phone. A few texts from Lin, but Scarlett texting. I only knew because half of the words were misspelled because she uses the voice text.

I set the phone down and made my way towards the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror and let out a frustrated groan. You could tell I had been crying. I opened the medicine cabinet and pulled out the orange bottle of pills.

Anti-depressants. The only thing keeping Pippa from crying all the time. Of course yesterday was the only day I forgot to take them.

I was glad Scarlett wasn't old enough to really understand so she wouldn't have to take these. It was the only thing that made life easier for her.

"Pippa! Are you home??" I heard a familiar voice call. I looked down the hall and saw Jasmine walking towards me. "You didn't answer last night, so I thought I would check on you." She frowned.

"I'm so sorry.. I forgot I texted you.." I mumbled.

"It's okay." She smiled. "I'm just glad you're alive. And grateful you gave me a key." She chuckled.

"Yeah, sorry. I just I guess I cried myself to sleep last night." I sighed.

"How did the date go?" She asked while sitting on my bed.

"Normal I guess. Nothing horrible happened. And he asked me out for a second date." I mumbled while rubbing my eyes.

"That's good." She smiled.

"I don't think I can keep up with this... I really don't think I'm ready." I frowned.

"Then why did you say yes?" She asked.

"I... I do like him but I just can't." I frowned.

"Can't?" She frowned.

"I can't like someone else... I just can't.." I sniffed. I felt more tears coming on, and possibly a full blown panic attack, but I didn't want to break down in front of Jasmine. I couldn't do that again.

Lin's POV

"I want pancakes." Seb frowned.

"I don't have pancake mix buddy. I can't make them." I frowned at him as I grabbed a box of cereal.

"Do you have fruit?" Scarlett asked.

"What?" I furrowed my brows at her.

"Fruit. I want fruit." She said a little sternly.

"Just fruit?" I felt like I was the one asking a million questions now.

"And yogurt! Mommy always makes me fruit and yogurt on Saturdays." She grinned. I didn't really understand why Scarlett was on such a strict diet now. I understood before, watch all foods and make sure she did not have an allergic reaction. But now, she was focused on eating good food. Unlike Seb who wanted to eat junk food all the time. I didn't blame him, I wanted junk food too. 

"How about..." I looked in the fridge and let out a sigh. "Scarlett, you're going to have to eat cereal." I said while handing her a bowl. 

"But... I don't like cereal." She frowned at me. 

"You're going to eat it Scarlett. I don't have anything that your mom cooks you." I sighed. She gave a pout and looked at the box of cereal. It wasn't too bad. It was just frosted flakes. I watched her closely, her little head went back to where I had gotten the cereal. 

"What about that?" She pointed. I looked over and saw a box of instant oatmeal. 

"Have you ever had oatmeal?" I asked her. She shook her head and I shrugged my shoulders. The worst thing that could happen is that we find out she's allergic to something else. 

I made her oatmeal and watched her eat her first bite. She let out a squeal and started to eat more of it. Weird to have a kid who loved the healthy things. I looked over at Seb who was giving the face of disgust at her while eating his frosted flakes. Typical siblings. 

Pippa's POV 

Things were moving too fast for me all the time now. Scarlett was getting older, I was getting older.. I was honestly afraid of what was going to happen. I sheltered myself from the world when it honestly wasn't necessary. But it killed me to be out and about sometimes. The off chance someone would recognize me and want a picture... I was never up to them anymore... I felt so much better when people left me alone. It didn't make me as anxious. 

"Pippa, nice to see you again." The cashier greeted me as I walked into the small store. I gave a little smile and wave as I hurried passed her. I did light grocery shopping every week. It was great when Scarlett was not around to ask for things. Made life so much easier. 

I felt a buzz in my pocket, a text more than likely. I pulled out my phone to see a picture message from Lin. It was of Scarlett eating a bowl of oatmeal with the caption, "Someone has discovered how much she loves oatmeal". I let out a little laugh, feeling a warm feeling in my heart. 

Steve wouldn't have let her try oatmeal... He would've been afraid... Granted, I was afraid too... Lin... Let her try things and figure things out for herself. It was a good balance... Scarlett was more open to talking to him, her hesitation towards him started to go away... 

Maybe I could let myself like him... 

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