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Pippa's POV

I sat in the little room, watching as the kids left. I was teaching now, but only vocal training. I sat at the piano, playing a few things that came to my head. I heard the door open and heard the familiar voice that made me smile the most.

"Mommy!" Scarlett giggled as she walked in.

"Hey there little bug." I was grateful she wasn't letting her sadness overwhelm her like it was me.

"She was so excited the entire way here." Jasmine laughed. I watched as she walked in with the stroller in tow. "She wouldn't stop talking about a permission slip of some sorts." She shrugged.

"What permission slip?" I asked her.

"It's for a field trip! To see a show!" She smiled.

"One she's probably already seen." Jasmine laughed.

"I know right." I agreed as I searched her backpack. I found her folder, looking over the permission slip. "Oh. Frozen." I mumbled.

"Weren't you offered a role?" Jasmine frowned. 

"Yeah... I turned it down." I sighed. "It was right after Steven had passed..." I explained. "I couldn't take a role like that so quick.." I frowned.

"Would you have taken it if he was alive?" She asked.

"I... I don't know... It's such a demanding role... I don't think I would have..." I sighed. It was the truth. I wouldn't have been able to be with Scarlett. I would have needed more vocal training and rehearsals would've taken forever... 

"Don't beat yourself up over it. Let her go see it." Jasmine smiled. "And hold the baby that can make anyone smile." She laughed.

"I love little AJ." I chuckled. I quickly signed the permission slip and peeked in the stroller. "Oh he's sleeping, I don't want to wake him up." I frowned.

"He'll be fine." Jasmine reassured me. "The boy takes after his father and sleeps through anything and everything." She chuckled.

I took the little baby out of his carrier and held him carefully.

"Oh I miss babies." I whispered.

"Ahem." Scarlett shot me a dirty look, which had both of us laughing.

"You are my baby Scarlett." I smiled.

"And I hope it stays that way." She was being very snooty lately. Maybe because I was always fawning over AJ now. I couldn't help myself though. He was the new baby in our little ham fam.

I decided to chaperone Scarlett's field trip, watching the show and helping kids was always fun. We were on a small bus since it was a small class. It was weird not walking the city streets. But I guess it was helpful. When we got to the theatre, all the kids were behaved surprisingly.

Scarlett held my hand while we walked to their seats. She demanded I sit next to her, but I had to sit at the end to make sure no kids were going to wander off.

Once all of that excitement was over, the show began and they were mesmerized. I couldn't help but imagine if I had taken the role. But I couldn't even belt like that to save my life. Let alone multiple times a day and/or week. People were born with that kind of talent.

When the show was finished and the bus was on the way, we waited in the lobby. Of course when actors hear there was a field trip, some of them came out to meet the kids.

"I KNOW YOU!" Scarlett shouted while pointing at one of the cast members.

"I know you too!" The woman laughed while walking up to her. It took a bit before I could see the face, but when I did I was glad.

"Betsy!" I smiled at her.

"Gosh she's gotten big." She laughed while hugging Scarlett. "So, chaperone Pippa is it?" She smirked.

"It is this time." I laughed. "I didn't know you came to this production." I smiled.

"I did. Things weren't quite the same after everyone left. I know I shouldn't be judgement all but it wasn't a complete family after everyone left. So I came here thinking I would find the same thing." She explained.

"Yeah.. I didn't really get the same feeling after I left. But I'm glad I was apart of it." I shrugged. We talked a little while longer, letting Scarlett tell all about her adventures.

"You should come by more often!" Betsy laughed at us.

"We'll try. Little bug over here wants to be on broadway so she's been dancing everyday since she was four." I explained.

"Really?? A little legacy." Betsy smiled at her. "You know, Ariana and I wouldn't mind teaching her a few things they don't teach in a normal dance class." She suggested.

"I couldn't." I immediately declined.

"I'm serious. I didn't learn the basics until college. I doubt you learned them either. It's getting to be tougher here... You know this." Betsy whispered. "She needs the head start."

"Betsy I couldn't do that... I can't... I can't give her an unfair head start..." I frowned.

"She already has the unfair head start with you being her mother. Might as well make it worth her while to even be good at something instead of just riding your shadow..." She said before saying goodbye.

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