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Pippa's POV

My date had turned into two dates, and it led to talking more and more. Of course, I wasn't completely interested at the fact that I had to entertain this idea of dating. I didn't really like the concept of leaving Scarlett with friends a lot. I thought I was done with that finally.

"So, how long have you known Jaz and Renee?" Chad asked. We were out for dinner this week. It wasn't all too fancy finally.

"A long time. We did Hamilton together, so we never stopped being friends really. More like family at this point." I shrugged.

"That just sounds amazing." He smirked.

"Yup." Don't get me wrong, but he was a pretty boring person. He had a normal job, and liked sports. That was it. We didn't really have much in common except that we were around the same age.

He walked me to my apartment, like always, and tried to get me to let him inside. I always declined, only because Scarlett was always behind the door.

"C'mon. What could be so bad? Are you a hoarder or something?" He joked.

"No." I scoffed. I heard the door click open and heard a little gasp.

"Mommy's home!" Scarlett giggled.

"You have a kid?" Chad gawked.

"Yeah? I thought Jasmine and Renee told you?" I questioned.

"No. They didn't. I have to go." He hurried down the hall and decided to take the stairs instead of the elevator. I couldn't help but chuckle. If I would've known that him knowing I had a kid would get him to leave me alone sooner, I would have.

"Who was that?" Scarlett asked.

"Nobody at this point. Let's go to bed." I smiled.

Weeks had gone on, and I hadn't heard from Chad. It was peaceful finally. Jasmine of course found out everything and apologized. She didn't know that he would be so weird about kids. I reassured her that everything was fine and to not worry.

I sat at the piano in my little space, looking over sheet music that would be perfect for the kids.

"Hey Pipsy." I heard the oh so familiar nickname from Lin. I looked up to see him walking in with Scarlett in the lead.

"School's done already?" I asked while looking at my phone.

"Yup! I got a 100 on my spelling test!" Scarlett boasted.

"That's great!" I smiled. She handed me her backpack, letting me look through for important papers or things that need signatures.

"So, things didn't work out so great with that guy?" Lin asked sheepishly.

"Hardly. He ran off the second he found out I had a kid." I chuckled. "I didn't really like him anyway. I just did it to shut Jas and them up." I shrugged. He let out a small laugh, which made me smile.

"I was wondering, if you were still up for dating people." He started.

"I'm not dating friends of friends anymore. In all honesty, I don't think I'm ready to date strangers. Having to go through weird introductions and making the person feel comfortable but at the same time make sure you're comfortable... It's just hard." I complained.

"Oh. Well, what if you didn't have to do all of that?" He inquired.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I mean... Would you be willing to go on a date, with me?" He mumbled.

"A date? With you?" I asked. I had never begun to think about him in that way. Yeah he was Scarlett's dad, but I only had those feelings once for him. I didn't think he still did. Or had been thinking of them recently. I looked down at Scarlett who was sitting doing her homework quietly. Probably eavesdropping to her little heart's content.

"Well... Yeah, but I guess... That's a no?" He muttered. His eyes were pointed towards the ground, his hands in his pockets. I had never seen him like this before. Extremely unsure of himself. I had always seen the confident, and sometimes cocky guy. But not too much, just a dorky version of it.

"Lin... Let me think about it... I have a lot on my plate and I just... Need time. Okay?" I tried my best to get him to look at me, but got nothing.

A few days had passed and I still didn't have an answer for him. I had texted my brother about it, but still nothing was coming to my mind.

"You can always just give it a shot Pip. He is the father of your kid." My brother sighed over the phone. I could see him shrugging his shoulders in my head.

"Yeah, but what if things just get awkward?" I frowned.

"Stop worrying and just get it over with. You still have to see him every other weekend because of the custody thing. Just see how one date goes." He groaned.

"Are you getting frustrated with me?!" I gasped.

"A little!" He chuckled. "Listen, you're my little sister. Of course I'm going to worry, but you're an adult and obviously he doesn't sound like a bad guy. So just do it okay?" He added.

"Alright. I'll... Talk to him." I smirked.

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