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Pippa's POV

"Happy Mommy's Day!" I heard Scarlett giggle as I walked out of the bedroom. "Daddy and I made you breakfast!" She smiled.

"Attempted." Lin pointed. I walked up to him and gave him a slight hug. "How are you feeling?" He asked.

"Better today." I whispered. "Attempted breakfast?" I asked.

"Scarlett said that you loved healthy foods. Which is no lie. But... I wouldn't say what we made was edible." He frowned.

"So Daddy gave up and make chocolate and peanut butter pancakes!" Scarlett shouted.

"What a complex recipe." I gasped slightly.

"It was just chocolate chips and peanut butter chips." He chuckled.

Our breakfast went quickly, Scarlett making faces at Lin the entire time. I couldn't help but feel a little happier. Scarlett was healthy, and happy. That could be enough for me.

As the day went on, Scarlett's friend Bea, wanted to play. So I allowed it. Lin and I sat on the couch watching a movie while they played in her room.

"Do you think it'll happen again?" I frowned.

"A miscarriage?" Lin asked.

"Yeah." I sighed.

"I don't know..." He turned his head to look over at me. His eyes weren't filled with his usual happiness.

"Do you think—"

"Pippa, I love you. No matter how many times this happens or any other bad things that may happen. I will still love you." I grabbed my hands and held them tightly. "I'm sorry... I just... Wanted you to know that." He chuckled nervously.

I sat there staring at him. He just said that he loved me... I felt my heart racing in my chest.

"Please say something..." He whispered.

"I love you too." I finally breathed. It had all processed in my head slowly. If I didn't love him... I wouldn't have been this upset over losing our kid... I wouldn't have been so excited in the first place to have our kid. I wouldn't have even... Well you know.

"You're not just saying that?" He asked.

"I'm not. I really do love you." I smiled. "And I know I don't show it all the time. And I hate myself for it. But I know you know why." I frowned.

"You need time." He sighed.

"I'm sorry." I pulled my hands out from his grasp and looked away. He knew I needed time. I felt the couch dip more and then felt his arms wrap around me tightly.

"Don't be sorry. I know what you've been through and I know it will take time." He whispered. "I'm here for you." He gave me a small smile. Just enough to reassure me of where I was. I gave him a small smile in return, and kissed his cheek.

After a few hours I heard a knock at the door. I walked over to answer and saw one of Bea's mothers.

"Hey Abi. She's in Scarlett's room." I smiled while letting her in. She gave me a smile and stepped inside.

"How are things?" She asked.

"Better." I sighed.

"Maria told me. I'm so sorry." She frowned.

"It's.. Thank you." I didn't know what I was going to say. But it didn't feel right to say that it was just okay. Because it wasn't.

"Bea, your mother is here!" Lin called out. We heard the groans of ending playtime and both of them came running out holding toys.

"Five more minutes!" Bea pouted. "We need to finish legos!" She cried.

"Bea. Your mama has to get you ready for dinner." Abi sighed.

"But mummy!!! Legos!!!" She cried.

"Fine. Five more minutes." She sighed.

"Yay!" Both of them ran back to Scarlett's room and we heard giggling again.

"How's Maria?" Lin asked when Abi sat on the couch.

"She's good. She's taken a bit off of work to prep Bea for when I leave." She shrugged.

"Leave?" I frowned.

"Work stuff." She said quickly.

"Ah." I nodded. It wasn't long before Bea came back with her package of Legos, showing her mom the weird thing she had built. Scarlett walked her to the door and gave her a hug before she left. It was really adorable.

"I'll see you at school?" Scarlett asked.

"No. I have to go tomorrow. But I'll be back the next day!" Bea grinned.

Crazy to think those were their only problems

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