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**Two Years Later** 

Pippa's POV

"Mama!" Alejandro giggled. I smiled at him and watched him wander off to Amelie across the room. 

"You made beautiful babies." Jasmine gasped. 

"Well we all know where it came from." I joked. 

"Obviously you because just look at Lin." Rene laughed. I smirked and watched our young children play with each other. "How are you holding up?" She asked. 

"Better... My parents were furious I had gotten married and hidden it from them.. But when they saw the twins... Well... That anger turned into something else." I laughed. "My dad still isn't on good terms with Lin... Still swaying Scarlett's decisions. It's terrible really." I sighed. 

"It's been like three years... How can he keep in that much contact with her?" Jasmine frowned. 

"I call my parents once a week and she demands to talk to him every time." I groan. 

"Don't you monitor her?!" Rene gasped. 

"I do! But then Scarlett starts speaking broken Chinese and I'm not too familiar with it." I sighed. "At this point, I don't even care. She's doing great in school and finally let me cut her hair. That was all I cared about for a while there." I pointed at her. 

"Yeah... AJ needs a haircut..." Jasmine sighed while looking at her toddler. 

"Refuses?" Rene smirked. 

"More like tried to kill Anthony and the barber... Who knew a toddler could bite so hard...." She frowned. 

"How do you cut it now?" I asked. 

"I wait until he's asleep and then Anthony and I cut it." Jasmine smiled. "Little shit thinks we don't know how to handle him." She whispered. "I love him to pieces but sometimes, I swear its like God sent me a demon." She groaned. 

"Amelie shoved Dobby in the toilet. Poor cat has been traumatized of the bathroom since." I sighed while looking at the peach colored cat. 

"The fact that Lin let you keep that thing..." Rene shuttered. 

"He's adorable! Terrified of the kids, but adorable." I shrugged. 

"The fact that you two are struggling with parenting makes me smile." Rene laughed. "My kids are older and you know what, I'm just happy I'm not dealing with diapers." She continued to laugh. 

Our little play date lasted a while, ended only because AJ started to throw a giant tantrum when Amelie took the stuffed horse from him. I felt terrible, but I couldn't control a two year old very well... Scarlett came home from school, quieter than normal, but she seemed content. Dobby ran after her as soon as she got into her room. I didn't question it. She was his favorite. 

Lin's POV

Potty training had to be the most difficult thing in the world. I sat on the tub trying to teach Alejandro to pee in the toilet, but he was not having it. 

"Please? I'll give you a cookie." I frowned. He shook his head and ran off with out a diaper, or pants. "And the chase begins." I groaned. 

"Nope." As I stood up, I saw Pippa scoop him up with one arm and bring him back to the bathroom. "Pee-pee time." She pointed. I watched as he sat on the little toilet and looked up at her. She gave him a smile and walked back out of the bathroom. 

"So you listen to mommy?" I asked him. He let out a few giggles before eventually peeing in the toilet. I rolled my eyes and helped him back into his pull-up and pj's. 

"Mommy, I want to do this." I walked out holding Alejandro to see Scarlett holding up a paper to Pippa. 

"Are you sure?" Pippa frowned. 

"Yes. My teacher showed us the video today. I want to learn." She smiled. 

"Okay, but it's going to be very hard... I barely learned piano..." Pippa sighed. "I'll take you tomorrow." She whispered. 

"Thank you mommy!" Scarlett wrapped her arms around Pippa's tightly and ran off back to her room. 

"She wants to take up learning violin." Pippa explained. I was shocked, the only musical thing Scarlett seemed interested in was dance... I was grateful she would learn to play an instrument. 

Pippa's POV

Scarlett and I went out after school, getting her a violin and everything else she needed. I signed her up for some beginners lessons and attempted to schedule everything around her schedule. It wasn't so bad when everything was laid out on paper. The tutor was completely understanding of having little kids and her schedule. 

After a few weeks, Scarlett was picking up more and more, being able to progress a lot faster. I smiled at her as she practiced in her room. It was like she had a knack for playing. She definitely took after Lin when it came to things like that. Learning things rather quickly. 

It wasn't long until she was performing in school recitals. Lin went all proud dad with the videos of course. Even went as far as shouting, "that's my kid!" during the applause. 

I could see the future now. Him being the embarrassing dad while Scarlett did anything on stage. 

I just hoped I would have more time with them at these stages. Life was great. 

*******This is the end of book two, book three will be up shortly!!!!************** 

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