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Lin's POV

Months had gone by and Pip was huge. She was close to her due date, which made everything much more terrifying. We found out we were having twins, a boy and a girl, which made it ten times more terrifying.

"What if they're Siamese twins?!" I gasped.

"Lin, go to bed." Pippa mumbled from the other side of the bed.

"Are you not worrying about these things?!" I frowned.

"Lin. I'm exhausted. I just want to sleep." She groaned.

"Right. Right. Sorry. I'm sorry." I sighed.

"Thank you." She whispered. My mind was racing. I didn't know what to do with two babies.

"We haven't thought of names." I accidentally said out loud.

"And now I'm not going to sleep." Pippa sighed. I looked over at the clock and saw it was four in the morning. I watched as she slowly rolled over to her back and prop herself up.

"I'm so sorry." I frowned.

"It's fine. I don't get enough sleep as is. These two keep kicking me." She muttered while placing a hand on her stomach.

"Maybe they're already fighting." I chuckled.

"Maybe." She smiled. "I really hope they come out healthy..." She let out a small sigh. "I don't want the same thing to happen..." She frowned.

"You never really told me what happened with Scarlett.." I frowned.

"She was born early, nothing too out of the norm. But her heart rate dropped.. So they did everything they could." She shrugged.

"While you were in labor?" I asked.

"No.. After she was born. I didn't get to see her. I was rushed into emergency surgery after." She frowned. "My mom was with her." She added. "When I was finally able to see her, she was hooked up to so many tubes just to keep her alive. I didn't even know what I did wrong." She sniffed.

"You didn't... Things... Just happen." I sat up more and wrapped my arms around her. "And she's alive and well now. Minus some major allergies." I chuckled. "Getting into trouble." I smiled.

"Yeah. I just hope these two are healthy. That's all I ask for." She sighed.

Our day was spent relaxing while Scarlett went to school. It was only a half day with all the snow, but it was a nice break. Pippa was asleep on the couch while I picked up the house. I didn't mind. She was supposed to be on bedrest, but she didn't like staying in the bed for too long. She claimed she needed sunlight.

It wasn't until about noon, when I was supposed to pick up Scarlett from the bus stop when Pip went into labor. I immediately knocked on our neighbors door frantically.

"Yes?" Abi answered.

"Hi! Um, could you pick up Scarlett and watch her for us? Pip's going into labor right now." I explained quickly.

"Oh my gosh! Of course! No problem! I'll get her." Abi smiled. "Congrats!" She laughed.

"Thank you!" I called while running back inside to help Pip.

Scarlett's POV

I walked with Bea to her house. Her mom told me that I was going to have my siblings tonight and I had to stay the night. I was so excited!!

"Are you excited to have your siblings?" One of Bea's moms asked while we ate our snacks.

"Yes! Mommy says I'm gonna have a baby brother and a baby sister!" I giggled.

"I want one!" Bea smiled. I watch Bea's mom drop whatever she had I her hands and she started laughing.

"Talk to mama about that sweetheart." Her mom laughed.

Pippa's POV

Twelve hours of labor and they were here. I couldn't help but feel extremely tired.

Lin wandered around the room carrying our son. I felt empty, but better now that they were out.

"Here she is." A nurse smiled while wheeling in the incubator. I could finally breathe. When she was born, everything stopped. She wasn't crying, which terrified all of us. But now she was here. "Everything is good now. Just had to check to make sure everything was okay."

"And everything is good?" I quickly asked.

"All healthy. Both of them. The tests came back negative." She smiled at us.

"Thank you so much." I whispered. Now I could really breathe.

Both my babies were healthy and that's all I could ask for.

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