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Pippa's POV

It was nice to finally have more friends that were close by. Especially since all of Scarlett's friends were across town usually. Bea was only a year younger, making her a grade below Scarlett. It was nice.

"So, now what?" Lin asked me.

"You grab the spatula and flip it." I smirked.

"Like this?" He joked while flipping the spatula in the air.

"I swear it's like teaching a toddler to cook." I groaned.

"You know it is much easier than that." He scoffed.

"Scarlett already knows how to do this. And you're burning the pancakes." I pointed at him.

Life was going a lot better than I ever expected. Lin was really trying to get Scarlett to try more things, and she usually loved them. He was still terrified of Dobby, but I get it. I was hesitant at first to let her have a hairless cat roaming the house, but he grew on me.

"I'm just going to be helping with the sets today." Lin muttered while getting ready for the day. I was still laying in bed, watching him.

"Which means you'll get sidetracked and start working on the music." I smirked.

"You know me so well. I'll try not to though." He smiled. "I won't have my phone on me for a bit too. I don't want to be tempted to write something down then be there for hours" he chuckled.

"Okay. I'll allow it." I pointed at him.

The day had gone on, Scarlett had finished school early with a half day and I was not enjoying the idea of taking her to the doctor's with me. But it had to be done.

"Where are we going?" Scarlett asked when we started walking down a different street.

"We are going to the doctors." I smiled. "I have a checkup." I winked.

"Oh! So you don't get sick?" Scarlett giggled.

"Yes. So I don't get sick." I chuckled.

Lin's POV

The entirety of my day was spent helping out with the sets and putting them together. Normally I wouldn't have helped with this, but three of their guys were out with the flu and I decided to step up and help.

"And gently drop it down. It may be styrofoam but we don't need a giant chuck missing out of it." The set director laughed.

"It's amazing how you guys were able to transform a giant piece of styrofoam to this." I gawked while looking at the building.

"We do our best." He smiled. "Besides. Need a very impressive and believable backdrop to go with it." He smiled. "Drop it!" He yelled. I heard a few switches and then the giant canvas fell behind the stage. It was gorgeous. Some of the set was built with wood, other pieces styrofoam. It was insane what they were able to do.

When I was finally able to get to my phone, I saw about three missed calls from Pip. I frowned, she knew I wouldn't have my phone. But when I tried calling her back, no answer.

I let out a sigh, feeling slightly worried. Maybe it was just Scarlett. It had to be. I sent a quick text asking if everything was alright and kept my phone in my pocket just in case I got an answer back.

When I got home around five, I saw Pippa sitting on the couch hugging her legs. Scarlett came bounding down the hall and tackled my legs as soon as she saw me.

"I was at the doctors office with mommy all day!" She smiled. "But it wasn't a good checkup." She frowned.

"Scarlett, can you go to your room for me? I'm gonna talk to mommy alone..." I whispered.

"Okay." She whispered back while running to her room. I was hesitant to sit next to Pippa. I didn't know what happened, but she looked exhausted.

"I'm so sorry.." She whispered with tears streaming down her face.

"What happened?" I frowned.

"It's gone." She frowned. I didn't know what to do or say. But I held her tightly.

"It's okay." I sighed. "It's going to be okay." I whispered.

The next few days were gloomy for us. Scarlett could feel it too. We never told her that she would have a sibling either. I felt terrible in a way, lying to her, telling her that Pippa just didn't feel well.

It certainly didn't help Pippa's depression either..

Pippa's POV

After Lin took Scarlett to the bus stop, I just stayed in bed. I didn't feel like doing much. I honestly just wanted to fall asleep. I wasn't hungry, or anything. I just wanted to sleep. Constantly tired... But sleeping so much that it was probably unhealthy.

"Pip you have to get up." He chuckled. "Scarlett is going to wake up soon."

"I just want to stay in bed a little bit longer. I rather enjoy this." I let out a small sigh. I really did enjoy lounging around sometimes.

"Pip. She's going to jump on the bed if we aren't up." Steven laughed.

"I know. Why does she have to be an early bird?" I groaned. I missed the days when she wasn't mobile and slept in. Now she was an early riser.

"Maybe things will change when she's older." Steve shrugged.

"Maybe. But right now, I want her to stay little." I smiled.

"Me too. Me too." He smirked.

In his eyes... She did stay little... He didn't get to see her grow up...

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