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Lin's POV

We were able to go home a few days later, due to unforeseen complications on Pippa's end. Once everything was finalized, we were able to really go home.

I carried the babies in with the help of my dad. My mom stayed back to help with Pippa.

"Daddy!" Scarlett giggled when I walked in.

"Careful kid. He has babies." Maria chuckled while holding her back.

"We did our best to contain the decorations." Abi chuckled while gesturing to the many, many drawings that were placed on the walls.

"I drew so many pictures for my baby brother and sister!" Scarlett giggled.

I gave her a small smile, and set little Amelie's car seat down on the table. My dad put Alejandro's car seat next to hers and started cooing at the both of them.

"Posso ter um bebezinho?" Bea fired off at Maria.

"Agora não." Maria sighed.

"She's bilingual too?" I gasped.

"Sadly." Abi laughed. "Is Scarlett?" She pointed.

"我就是!" Scarlett fired off.

"What was that?" I asked her.

"I said I am!" She giggled. "tài lǎo ye taught me!" She smiled.

"What the heck does that mean?" My dad frowned.

"It means great grandfather." Pippa chuckled. "My yéye taught her." She smiled.

"Oh." He was in awe. "Wait, you speak Chinese too?!" He gasped.

"Very little. Scarlett knows more than I do. Only because she spent so much time with them." She explained. "These two will probably go around speaking Spanish faster than Scarlett can." She smirked while gesturing to Amelie and Alejandro.

"Probably." My mom laughed.

After a few hours of everyone meeting the babies and having their fun, they were all gone and it was just us.

"They don't do much Scarlett, you don't have to watch them." Pippa warned.

"They're so little..." She whispered in awe. I couldn't help but smile while watching her. She was so timid with them. But I was sure it would change as she got older. She was careful with them, only whispered around them. It was adorable really.

Pippa's POV

Two weeks with newborns and Lin was already freaking out.

"They've been quiet for too long." He mumbled.

"They're asleep. Take advantage of it." I muttered while curling up to him.

It was like he had never really raised a kid, but he was great with them. He was usually up early, so he took the early shift while I took the staying up until past midnight shifts. 

Scarlett was an absolute gem with them. She helped when she could, bringing them everything she thought they needed. It was adorable. I smiled while watching her interact with them, she was so gentle. She spent most of her time with Amelie, as expected since she wanted a younger sister. Of course, she got both. 

Taking them all to dance was of course, a hassle. So Lin decided to stay home with them while I took Scarlett to her classes. 

"You look exhausted." One of the moms laughed at me. 

"I am. Lin and I are taking turns with the twins..." I chuckled. "I'll admit, I'm a bit rusty with newborns... It's been seven years." I admitted. 

"Oh believe me. It just gets harder from here. Wait until they get older. You'll be potty training them both, then trying to catch both of them while they run in separate directions." Another mom laughed. She had a pair of twins that were Scarlett's age. 

"Please don't tell her horror stories!" Another mom gasped. 

"They are not horror stories! They are facts. But I will say, having both of them giggling and smiling at you at the end of the day... I wouldn't trade anything for it." She smiled. 

"They've been great so far. You know, going to bed at like nine. Waking up at one and staying awake until five." I shrugged. 

"Wow." She laughed. 

"Yup. But I'm okay. Scarlett loves them to death. I had to bribe her to get her to come to class." I chuckled. All of us mom chatted, mainly about our kids. Usually we talked about various things since we were all close. But babies were on our minds. Lin was sending me photos of the twins, both of them sleeping finally. I was glad that he would get a little break before dinner. 

Lin's POV

Having these babies.. I couldn't even begin to tell you how incredible things were. Scarlett was great with them, Pippa looked gorgeous while holding them, even while exhausted, I still loved the way she looked while carrying both of them. 

I sat in bed watching both of them while she showered. They were in their separate cribs, quiet, but not asleep yet. Just looking around. I couldn't help but smile when watching them. They were just so cute and precious... So innocent to the world they were going to grow up in. I didn't want to see them grow up. I wanted them to stay this little forever. 

"Feel better?" I asked when Pippa walked out of the bathroom. 

"Much." She answered quietly. I watched as she wrapped her hair in a towel, still didn't understand how. It was an art. 

"Do you think they'll be more like me, or like you?" I asked her. 

"I'm hoping they be themselves." She answered. 

"I hope that too, but you know." I shrugged. 

"In all honesty... I kinda hope they take after you. You're the super social, smart... All the things I wish I was better at really." She sighed. 

"You're social and incredibly smart Pips." I gasped. 

"Not like you. I can barely write a poem without having to look up the rules of poetry. You wrote multiple musicals and... Just look at you." She pointed at me with her brush. 

"But you're so much smarter in places I wish I was smart in." I frowned. 

"Like what?" She chuckled. 

"Politics." I pointed. 

"Only because--" 

"Literary masterpieces." I added. 


"Dancing for sure." I smiled. 

"Only because--" 

"Oh! And everything else because you're just amazing." I laughed. She rolled her eyes and looked away from me. 

Gosh... I really was lucky. 

A/N I know so many of you are on a summer break, so I'm trying my best to update as much as possible to keep you all entertained!!

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